Chapter Thirteen

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I walk excitedly through the forest with my sword in hand. My destination is the practice fields. Yesterday, Legolas asked to practice with me, and I agreed willingly. He seems to always be in the same places as I am, and the thought that he may be trying to intentionally seek out my company makes my heart soar. Ever since I awoke this morning, a smile has not left my face. All I can think of is Legolas and his gorgeous blue eyes along with his smile. I feel as if we have grown a bit closer in the diminutive time we have known one another. I only met him a few days ago, but I find myself thinking of him almost constantly.

I emerge from the trees, out into the open. My gaze immediately lands on the ellon who has been plaguing my thoughts. He is turned away, his back facing me as he watches the only other elves on the practice fields. It’s a father and son, the sister and mother sitting in the grass a little ways off. The father is teaching his son, who looks to be no more than eight years old, how to properly hold a bow.

I reach Legolas and stand beside him, both of us watching the family. The mother listens to her daughter read a book while her gaze rests fondly on her husband and son. I glance at Legolas to see him watching them intently.

“They are cute children,” I say quietly.

Legolas turns the force of his blue eyes on me and smiles softly. “I agree.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “What has you so transfixed by them?”

He stares silently at me for several long moments, and I am afraid that I have somehow offended him; but then he smiles, and my fear is gone. He looks back at the family. “For many years my father has tried to persuade me to marry. He held balls and feasts often in order for me to meet many ellith that he deemed worthy of the title of princess and one day queen. I told him that I will marry once I fall in love, but you see, in royal families it is very common to have arranged marriages. Luckily, my father is very considerate towards my feelings, so he did not force me to marry anyone. He stopped holding these elaborate parties after that, but everytime I see a happy family, I cannot help but think about how miserable I would have been had my father forced me into marriage.”

“I cannot begin to imagine the horror of spending the rest of my life with someone I do not love,” I answer incredulously, “But a life spent with one who I love with all of my heart would be a blessing, indeed.”

I feel Legolas’s eyes boring into the side of my face, but I do not look at him. I watch from the corner of my eye as he opens and closes his lips as if wanting to answer but he’s not really sure what to say.

“I agree,” he answers softly. He then glances at the family once more before placing his undivided attention upon me. “Shall we begin?”

I turn to him, gripping the hilt of my sword tightly in my hand. Butterflies dance in my stomach as Legolas’s eyes rest on me delicately. His gaze is almost tangible, it seems. I feel his eyes on me like a touch, and the feeling is addicting, taking the air straight from my lungs. If I dare to even think this, I wish that he would look at me this way for eternity.

Legolas holds his blade in front of him with ease, no hesitation or awkwardness in his movements. I mimic him, feeling clumsy and graceless. As if he can sense my nervousness, he gives me an encouraging smile.

I breathe in deeply before making my first move. I thrust my sword toward him, and he easily side steps the attack. He answers by slicing his own blade toward me, but I spin out of the way, adrenaline beginning to pump through my veins. The corner of his lips lifts into a handsome smirk, and I have to force myself to concentrate. Being in his presence makes me want to do my best. I want to impress him. I have to impress him.

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