When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. -Psalm 56:3
The early morning light from the window cascades down upon my dear Eilonwy as she sleeps soundly. The light seems to seep into her crimson hair and glow, making it appear to be flames spread across her pillow and mine. Her eyes are shut softly, her thick eyelashes splayed across her skin innocently. Her skin is warm against my own as I hold her in my arms, running my fingers down her spine. I watch her in utter awe, not able to comprehend that she is my wife- that we are fully bonded- because my heart feels so light and at peace. But the gentle thrum of her emotions that are now tangled within my soul tells me otherwise.
Her chest rises and falls against mine as she is lost in colorful dreams, and I cannot bring myself to wake her. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps, like a goddess from an old story. I gently ease out of her arms, careful not to disturb her, and I stand from our bed, walking over to my wardrobe. Warmth travels through my veins when I see her dresses hanging on one side of the wardrobe, my clothes hanging on the other, and I stare at them for long moments with a goofy smile on my face before taking out my night robe. I shrug into the silky fabric, and I walk over to the window, staring out at the still-sleeping city of Rivendell. Fog clings to the grass like a thick winter blanket, and not a single soul is walking around this early in the morning.
I sigh slightly. What are Eilonwy and I going to do now? Are we to hide in Rivendell for who knows how long? I wished to give her a proper honeymoon- to go traveling and to be entirely at peace with each other- and then I wished to take her home with me. But there is the matter of the mysterious lady who is out to harm my wife. Oi, if I could get my hands on this woman, I would have no remorse for snapping her neck. First, she hurt Estrith and would have killed her if it had not been for Eilonwy, and now she is after my new wife. Why can things never be easy for me? I thought that with the vanquishing of Sauron, Middle Earth would finally be at peace, but I guess evil never truly dies. I just wish this new evil was not aimed toward Eilonwy.
I just despise the mystery and the loose ends. I want to know exactly why this woman is out to get Eilonwy. The point of sending Eilonwy away as a baby was to save her from Sauron, but now that he is dead, why is she still a target? And this lady is supposedly working alone. What is the purpose of that? I can imagine that she obviously wants Eilonwy for her powers, but what use is her magic if the woman does not have an army?
A sigh escapes Eilonwy's lips, and I turn at the sound of the blankets rustling. A smile slowly works its way onto my lips as I watch her rub her eyes tiredly, and then her beautiful green eyes search the room leisurely, falling upon me.
Her voice sends chills down my spine and warmth through my heart, and I can feel her emotions blooming in my chest like a flower in spring: her shyness, her content, and her love.
"Good morning, Meleth nin (My love)," I say softly, still standing by the window.
She sits up in the bed slowly, clutching the blankets above her chest as she rubs her eyes again with her left hand. She yawns cutely, and I chuckle, watching her in utter happiness. Her crimson curls fall messily down her bare shoulders, and in the morning light, her skin looks so soft and tempting. She looks at me again, her forest-colored eyes meeting my blue ones, and a lazy smile pulls at her lips. "Good morning, my husband."
Our bond feels so fresh and new and bright in my soul, and I fight the urge to run and jump onto the bed like an elfling. "How are you feeling?"
She blushes slightly. "A little tired, honestly," she says with a breathy laugh, looking very uncomfortable as her gaze drops sheepishly, and I laugh lightly.

The Prince's Visions
FanfictionPeople say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, death is something that this nineteen year old girl welcomes with ease. She prays that she will get the peace and happiness she's been longing f...