Chapter Twenty six

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"Gimli!" I exclaim with a smile as I see my old friend, "How are you, mellon nin?"

His laugh rumbles deep inside his chest as he approaches me, and I clap him on the shoulder. He grips my forearm in greeting, and I wince slightly at his iron grip. Dwarves may be small, but they possess the strength of Mumakil.

"Legolas! I'm fine, lad, but let's not talk about me. How are ya? I haven't had the time to visit Mirkwood in years!" His lips curl up into a grin underneath his shaggy red beard, and I am delighted to be speaking with him after so many years have passed. My father has a strong dislike toward dwarves, but Gimli became a good friend of mine during the War of the Ring. He is rough around the edges, but all-together he is definitely a kindred spirit.

"I am well," I admit with a small smile. I have been much more than 'well' since Eilonwy showed up, but when I see him raise his eyebrows at my wistful expression, I am quick to change the subject, "Glosseth is just over there. I am sure that she is most excited to see you again."

Gimli desperately tries to hide his pink-tinted cheeks at my words, and he coughs deeply in embarrassment. He has a slight infatuation with my sister that we all find most amusing. He used to be head over heels for Lady Galadriel until he set eyes on Glosseth. "I'll just... go and speak with her," he grumbles before walking away, his footsteps heavy on the stone floor of the ballroom.

My gaze leaves my friend and travels around the huge room filled with hundreds of people. From hobbits to dwarves to elves to men, all races of Middle Earth seem to have gathered here today to celebrate the birth of little Prince Feyrith. The room is bursting with color, and I find it hard to focus on just one thing in all of the excitement. Children weave their way through adults who are talking and laughing with each other in small groups, and the laughter and voices mingle together to create a soft song of peace and love that comes straight from the hearts of the people present. Glass chandeliers hang prettily from the ceiling, and the tables at one end of the large ballroom have velvety red fabric draped over them. Music floats through the air softly as some couples dance slowly to the dreamlike melody, the ladies' dresses fanning around them like pools of liquid silver, gold, purple, or blue. No matter the color of the dress, each is made so exquisitely that you cannot help but stop for a moment and watch as all the colors swish around the room harmoniously like colorful flower petals rustling in a light breeze.

No matter how gorgeous the scenery is, I can only focus on one thought in my mind. Eilonwy has not entered the room just yet, and the feast is about to begin any moment now. My naneth entered a few moments ago after she finished fixing Eilonwy's hair, but the alluring, flame haired elleth is no where in sight. My heart longs to see her, and I can scarcely imagine just how divine she will look when we are dancing and I am holding her in my arms.

"I know that look," my father says softly as he comes to stand next to me, his cool gaze assessing the crowd around us, and then he turns his head to look at me.

"I do not know what you mean, Ada," I tell him, mentally preparing myself for whatever speech he intends to give me.

"You have an idea in that head of yours," he says and raises his eyebrow as if daring for me to deny it, "And I think I know who it involves."

I sigh, caving. "You know me well," I say, "Tonight I intend to inform Eilonwy of my visions."

He is silent, and he looks out at the crowd of people dancing as a fast, upbeat tune whistles its way through the room.

"I am nervous to tell her," I admit reluctantly.

"And why is that, ion nin?"

"I am afraid that telling her of my visions will turn her away from me," I say, thinking of how unbearable it would be to lose her. Not a moment goes by that I do not think of her, and I have accepted that I am truly and purely in love with her. There are no doubts in my mind of the love I have for her, but of the love she has for me, there are many doubts brought into my mind by the bitterness of reality. Life is not easy as I thought it was when I was a child. I cannot whine and cry over something that I want in order to obtain it. Eilonwy is a person, a beautiful, bright, and positive lady that has a mind of her own. If she decides to not have me as her husband, thus changing my visions, then I will accept that. All I want is for her to be happy, even if it involves her finding another male to marry someday.

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