Chapter 1

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Oikawa's POV

What? Why have I been summoned by the king?  

"Enter." The knight said, moving his sword as I slowly entered the throne room. I've never gone anywhere near the castle before. Let alone be inside of it. I was just a jewelry maker... does the king want something done, or, something???

When I made it near the throne, I looked around awkwardly before giving a bow.

"Stand straight." I did as I was told and couldn't help but glance at a man standing by the king. He didn't look very happy, but he said nothing as the king stood up and approached me slowly.

"You are Oikawa Toru, correct?"

"Yes, your highness."

"I have been told you have remarkable skills in the art of combat."

"...What..!? Er, I'm sorry, your highness, but, I don't know where you heard that. I-"

"The gods themselves have told me."

"...What?" I asked, confused as anything. I've helped craft swords before with a friend, but as if I would ever wield one. 

"You are aware of all of our situation, correct?"


"Those who have entirely devout themselves to the moon goddess. They claim it is her will for them to rule over all the lands."

"Oh.. Yes, I am aware, your highness."

"Then you are aware they must be stopped?"

"...Er.. yes, your highness..?" I said, not too sure where this was going. Why would the gods tell the king I am good in combat? I don't think I've ever been in a fight before. 

"This is Hajime Iwaizumi. He is the leader of a group called the Liberators. You are to join them on their journey." The king said, both Iwaizumi and I looking a bit, shocked.

"Your highness, why him! He knows nothing!" Iwaizumi suddenly said, pointing at me. I was offended, but, I mean.... he isn't wrong. Why would anyone chose me to fight??? I understood the need for the Liberators, but I had no business joining them..! 

"Silent. He will be the one joining you. Now please, go. Time is not our friend." The king said sternly. Iwaizumi glared at me before bowing to the king. I watched Iwaizumi approach me and tell me to follow him. I glanced back at the king before following this stranger. Once we were outside, Iwaizumi kept up a fast walking pace.

"Can't you slow down..?"

"Shut up."

"Hey..!" I said, causing Iwaizumi to suddenly turn around. The cape attached to the protective metal shoulder armor swirling. He glared at me, quite angrily.

"I never asked for you to join us. Do you even know the first thing about a sword, or combat? How are you to survive even one night without getting killed in the field with all of these new appearing monsters roaming about?"

"Hey, I never asked to join you guys either! I was at home working on a new order when some royal guard came and barged in! And poof, I'm here. But what do you want me to do?"

"You can start by leav-"

"Hey Iwaizumi. Who is this?" We were interrupted by another man walking over. Iwaizumi took in a deep breath before regaining his composure rather quickly.

"This is Oikawa.. He is the one the king had told us about."

"Wow, really? I was expecting some great mage, or warrior. Maybe even an aristo." The guy said curiously. I internally sighed. Who exactly were these people anyhow... and just who do they think they are-

"He's nobody. But, under the king's orders.... we... must bring him with us." 

"..Alright. Come on, the others are still waiting at the inn so we can head out." The man said, not giving me a chance to say anything as we headed for the inn that was on the edge of the city's gates. 

When we got to the inn, Iwaizumi unlocked one of the room doors and I saw several men sitting together and talking. They all stopped and looked over at me when the door opened.

 They all stopped and looked over at me when the door opened

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"All of you. This is Oikawa. He will be joining us." Iwaizumi said. None of them really seemed all too impressed when they saw me. Not that I blame them.

"Uh.. hello-"

"Shut up. This is Kenma. Kuroo. Akaashi. Bokuto. And Sakusa." Iwaizumi said while gesturing to each. 


"Kenma is our tactics and information specialist. Kuroo is our chemist who has quite an array of poisons and other ailment creations. Akaashi is our red mage. Bokuto is our black mage. And Sakusa is our white mage." Iwaizumi said as if I knew what ANY of this was.

"Wait what the hell does all of that mean. What on earth is a red mage?????" I asked in confusion. Most people knew what black and white mages were, but a red mage?

"Do you really know nothing? A black mage is black magic such as elemental spells..."

"Uh huh."

"White mages are our healing and buffer mages."


"Red mages have the ability to manipulate time and space."

"Woah, really?"

".....Yes. Akaashi is able to freeze time and enemies for short periods, which is always a great advantage for us." Iwaizumi explained with a sigh. I nodded in understanding before pointing at him.

"So what are you?" 

"I am a warrior. As you will need to be."


"We cannot have you dressed like that."

"What's wrong with the way I'm-"

"The king has provided you with new clothing and armor that is much more befitting of a member of the Liberation."

"Hey wait-"

"Go put them on and then we will leave in haste." Iwaizumi said, pointing to some clothing by the table in the corner of the room. The members of the Liberation got up and left so I could change. 

I stood there by myself, staring at the door in confusion. This all happened so suddenly..! Honestly, I'd love to just sneak off and go back home. But I'm afraid that Iwaizumi guy would 100% break my house if I did. So, I guess I'll have to play along for now. 

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