Chapter 15

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Oikawa's POV
I let Luna quietly drag me to her bed chamber. I didn't question too much why she is letting me stay here with her, but, what would be the point in asking. I've nowhere else to go if I left. Besides. I was hers now.

I looked up at her as she gently pushed me back onto the bed and climbed over top of me. A small breath left my lips when she pulled my shirt off and leaned down and kissed the purple glyph she engraved onto my chest. She then moved up a bit and kissed the new red glyph on my collarbones.


"Are they still sensitive?" She asked, placing her hands on my chest.

"A bit."

"Don't worry, we can fix it." She said, moving down and starting to undo my pants.

"H-hey. wait.."


"What are you doing..?" I asked, Luna just smiling as she leaned down and gave me another kiss.

"Helping you, of course." She said, letting her wings flutter. My body felt heavy and I just quietly let her undress us both. My mind went hazy as my purple glyph started glowing. I felt too weak to even bother trying to stop what was happening, so I gave in and let the goddess do what she wished.

Iwaizumi's POV
"You alright?"


"You look upset." Sakusa said as he sat by me. I sighed, shaking my head and looking back forward.

"I'm fine."

"It's unlike you to be awake so late by yourself. And so far from us." He said as I looked over at him slowly.

"Do you think that what's happened to Oikawa, is my fault?"

"Do you want the truth?"


"I think it has a great deal of what has happened to him."


"There is no sense in dwelling on it. Oikawa has traded himself to her in exchange for the very thing he has been shunned for by everyone. Including you." Sakusa said before leaving me alone. I watched him walk back inside of the inn where everyone else was.

As much as I don't like to admit, it is my fault. I was too harsh on Oikawa for something that was far beyond his control. It was not his doing that he was an Unblessed. It was no one's fault... it just happened to be.. an accident of nature, I suppose that you could call it. That's what my mother and father used to say about it.

Either way, I was told that Oikawa would be the key to our success.. I don't see how. Not when he's like this. We could leave him behind and hope he stays out of our way. Hope that he will not take anymore glyphs. I already don't know what we'll do now that Akaashi's is gone. Akaashi's type of glyph is rare and granted to only those who are talented and powerful enough to yield time as magic.

How did Oikawa even take Akaashi's glyph.. I've never heard of that before. Well, if he was a servant of Luna's, than she would be able to grant him that power I suppose. 

"It makes no sense..." I said quietly to myself while staring off in the distance. I know Oikawa was hurt by me and others for shunning him. But, he doesn't seem like he'd go this far to make an even score. He must realize that he's hurting people by doing this. He knew what the lunar warriors and what those thresholds do to people. And he didn't want that.

I turned and went back inside, checking on the others before quietly grabbing a few things and heading out. This place we were at was small, but it had a library like most other villages. I was glad they remained open at all hours. 

I walked inside and looked around at the books, grabbing several that I could find on the history of the gods and godesses. Especially about Luna. I sat and read for who knows how many hours. Most of the information seemed relatively generic. But, there was one that peaked my interested. 

"Maybe she did this to Oikawa." I said to myself, shutting the book and heading outside. She had to have branded Oikawa. That way, she can control him. I know it can't be his own doing. 

According to that book, Luna only branded very special individuals. Ones that she saw as worthy and powerful. And with that branding came a lot of her powers. Including the ability to steal glyphs. If I could just find-

"Looking for me, Iwaizumi?" I stopped, Oikawa appearing in front of me.


"Look.. I'm no longer an Unblessed." He said with a smile, carefully moving the collar of his clothing and showing me a red glyph on his collarbone, right where Akaashi's used to be. I stared at it in silence as he walked closer to me.

"Oikawa, this isn't you."

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

"You know that it's wrong. And you wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."

"Why should I care. No one cared about me. They called me insignificant. I was beneath everyone. But now, I can yield more glyphs than even an aristo."

"What are you-" I started, but Oikawa held up both his hands, showing me the backs. Placed on the back of his hands was a green glyph, and a blue glyph. He moved aside his long cape and lifted the small corner of his shirt where a black glyph laid.

"I have every type of glyph imaginable on my body. Except a deep red one, representing strength."


"I'd love to take yours." Oikawa said, letting one hand fall back to his side as the other cupped my cheek. I stared at him as he gave me a soft kiss. I don't know why, but all I did was stand and let him kiss me. Once he pulled away, he laughed.

"Except.. you don't have a glyph." 

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