Chapter 2

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Iwaizumi's POV

I couldn't believe this... This Oikawa guy had no clue about anything. He would only get in the way of our mission. Our job was to protect innocents. And this was surely to get Oikawa killed. The king had said the gods said he would be the key to the success of our mission. But, I don't see how. 

"Iwaizumi. Are we sure this boy can even be trusted?" Akaashi asked me. I sighed, leaning against the wall.

"I don't know. But we got no other choice." I said when the door opened. We all looked over, Oikawa stepping out.

"Hey, he might not be a mage or anything, but least he looks like a warrior now." Kuroo said with a smile. I rolled my eyes with a nod.

"Yes, at least he can look the part." 

"This stuff is heavy..." Oikawa complained. I held in another sigh before just shaking my head.

"Well would you rather it be heavy or die from when a monster's claws pierce straight through you?"


"Our first destination is Grindon. It lies east of here. We have to travel across the plains to get to it. So get used to walking." I said, Oikawa sighing and nodding as he followed me and the others out of the inn.

We left the city gates and walked until we reached the large plains that will essentially be our bridge to Grindon. At one point in time, these plains would have been nothing but nature and wild animals. However, thanks to these crazed lunar warriors and their magic effects on the land, it's been overrun by monsters. Hopefully all of us will make it in one piece.

Oikawa's POV

This stupid armor and weird clothes were heavy and scratchy. I don't get how people wore this. Iwaizumi had similar clothes on me while all the others had on lighter looking clothes.... I guess it makes sense, actually.

Warriors and soldiers were confrontational and in the front of the fight, they needed armor. Mages were always kept in the back to protect them. Plus, their spells could always be cast from afar. 

"How are you doing, Oikawa?" I looked over, seeing that it was Akaashi who was speaking to me. I sighed and looked forward as we kept going.

"I don't get why I was chosen to be here with you guys."

"It was not our decision. The gods saw something in you. Something that is a key to our success in stopping this madness."

"Isn't it strange that the goddess of the moon is causing so much havoc? She's the one who gives you all your magic."

"It is true that thanks to her magic, almost all humans have been blessed with different magic based on their moon glyphs. So I do not understand this sudden change, but, whatever her motivations are are dangerous for the rest of us."

"I guess so."

"What is your moon glyph?" Akaashi asked curiously. I panicked slightly and avoided looking at him.

I actually had no glyph... Glyphs were special markings that appeared onto someone's skin at birth. Depending on the shape and color of the glyph determined what type of magic that person had.

People with black glyphs were black mages or had black magic, white glyphs were white magic, apparently red is red magic, but that's as much as I knew. Well, I did know that people who were born without glyphs were called Unblessed because we were not gifted with any powers at all. 

We were always looked down upon. Called freaks because we were different than everyone else. I don't know why some of us never received glyphs. Maybe it was an accident of nature. But either way, I'm a bit worried how the Liberation would react if they found out I was an Unblessed. 

Before Akaashi could question me more, Iwaizumu stopped and told us to wait. We all listened to his orders and looked ahead.

"Woah... Why are the wolves so giant?" I asked while staring at the monstrous beasts in front of us. Wolves were big, yeah.... But those ones looked as big as a human almost.

"Because of the effects of the lunar magic surge, all beasts here have multiplied in size, power, and aggression." Kenma said calmly. I looked at him before back at Iwaizumi.

"Yes, so we must be careful. Oikawa. You stay here. We'll take care of them. And don't get into any trouble." He grumbled at me. I watched him draw his sword and approach those wolves with the others. I kept in my spot and watched how they fought together.

Iwaizumi was at the front of the battle, going head first with his sword.

 Kuroo had a bow on him, and looked like he kept a lot of coated arrows.

Kenma stayed back a bit, but looked like he had some magic to help support the others.

Bokuto and Akaashi stuck close together, and even were combining their magic together sometimes... 

Sakusa stayed the furthest away, only providing his magic when needed.

I watched in a bit of awe at how well they all could work together like that. See, all of them should be the ones fighting, I was literally just standing here and watching. Just as the last wolf was slain, the others gestured for me to rejoin them. I walked over as we all continued until it was dark.

"Are we gonna be walking all night...?"

"Stop complaining." Iwaizumi said, not even looking at me. I sighed tiredly when Kenma intervened.

"It would be wise to rest. We don't know what will be in Grindon. The lunar warriors have taken over the city, and will likely be waiting for us to break their threshold." 

"Tch.. Fine. Come on." Iwaizumi said and led us to a safe spot. I expected us to need to find supplies for a fire, but, Bokuto seemed to have it covered. I watched as he waved his hand and rocks began forming a circle to protect the surrounding area before he snapped his fingers and a fire appeared in the center.

Right, he's a Blessed. He needn't rely on certain things when he has magic. We all sat down to rest, the others spreading out a bit and doing their own things while I stayed near the fire. Kenma decided to join me, sitting next to me with a small smile. 

"Iwaizumi told me you are clueless about everything."


"Here. Read this."

"What is it?"

"Simply a book I have written with information you should be aware of."

"What's in it?"

"Glyphs and their powers. You know that monsters have glyphs too, right?"

"No, I didn't.."

"Then it would be a good idea for you to understand what each glyph does so you can prepare for a battle." Kenma said before getting up and walking over to where Kuroo was sitting. I looked down at the book before sighing.

"Guess I have nothing better to do." 

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