Chapter 33

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Hello, probably last chapter and then a mini epilogue!

Letting you know this is gonna have a, kinda, sad ending (Ehehe)

Thank you sm for reading <3 If anyone ever has suggestions, lemme know!

Also have a Kuroken omega verse story for anyone interested <333

Iwaizumi's POV

"Hikaru.. I-"

"Oh don't worry, Hajime. I'm not upset."

"...What?" I said in confusion. Hikaru smiled slightly as he stood there. Oikawa looked just as, if not more, confused than I am. 

"I said I'm not upset. I am however quite annoyed."


"There's no need to call me that. That isn't my name."

"...Who are you, then.. Where is Hikaru?"

"Hikaru has been dead for a long time."


"I killed him the same night you left."


"He screamed and beg to live. He cried and begged that I spare his daughter. Which I did. If you had simply stayed, like he asked, none of this would have happened." 

Hikaru is dead...? I was the reason he was killed... I-

"Iwaizumi!" I hardly had time to understand what was going on before things turned white.

Oikawa's POV

I fell to my knees when Iwaizumi collapsed. I panicked, unsure what to do... there was a blade through his chest, right where his heart is...

"Oikawa. I told you it would be in your best interest to stay away from Iwaizumi."

"...Who are you.. why... why did you kill his fiancé.. why did you kill him!" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks. Whoever this man was, he walked closer. I ignored him and quietly clung onto Iwa-chan while crying. 

The man grabbed my chin and yanked my face up to face him. He smiled at me, his appearance drastically changed from Hikaru's.

"Don't worry, Oikawa. Iwaizumi's death was quick. As yours will be." 

A Few Days Later: Kenma's POV

There was news that there was a heavy attack where Iwaizumi and Oikawa lived. And that the king himself was killed. All of us heard, and have arrived at the destroyed home-town.

"What happened.... Where are Oikawa and Iwaizumi..?" Kuroo said quietly. I looked around in silence before having Kuroo follow me to Iwaizumi's home and having the others who joined look for survivors. When we got there, his home still stood.

I walked inside quietly and heard a baby's screaming. I rushed to where the sound came from, seeing a baby girl lying in a crib. Kuroo rushed over as well and watched while I gently picked the baby up. This was Iwaizumi and Hikaru's daughter. Where were they...

"Kuroo.. let's go check Oikawa's home.." I said, trying to calm the baby in my arms as we went to the other side of the destroyed land. The entire area was broken, except for Oikawa's home.. 

"Kenma, do you want to stay out here?"

"..No. Come on." I mumbled, walking inside the home behind Kuroo. We split directions to look for anything. What I found, I wasn't prepared for at all...

"K-Kuroo..!" I said loudly, Kuroo running in. He stopped and stared wide-eyed when we saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi lying on a bed together. Both had short blades through their chests, directly piercing their hearts. When I walked closer, their skin was pale and their bodies were completely devoid of life.

They both were laid on their backs. Heads turned to face each other and their hands intertwined, as if they were holding hands together.

"...We were too late." I mumbled, only snapping out of my thoughts when the baby started crying. I quickly turned my back so she couldn't see. I felt sick.. I felt as if I were going pass out..

"Kenma, come on." Kuroo said, gently putting his hand on my back and keeping me stable as we left the house.


"I know.. But, we have to find the others, and figure out what the hell happened. And we need to keep this baby safe."

"....Yeah." I said, still in shock as we went to find the others.

"There you two are.. what... where are Oikawa and iwaizumi, did you find them...?" Bokuto asked with worry. I avoided looking at anyone else except for the baby in my arms as Kuroo explained.

"We found them dead.. Whoever did this, they.. they killed Oikawa and Iwaizumi."

"...D-Did you find their bodies...?"

"Yeah. They're in Oikawa's home. And they're together."

"Fuck.. I think I'm gonna throw up.."

"Guys, we need to keep strong. We need to find who did this. That's what Iwaizumi would want..." Kuroo said, his voice lowering to a whisper near the end. All of us stood in silence before the others shared what they had found. 

Apparently there were symbols left everywhere, and on every dead body... I wonder If these symbols were branded onto Iwaizumi and Oikawa. But I don't want to go back and look... 

"Are the symbols glyphs...?" I mumbled, Sakusa shaking his head.

"No. They resemble that of a white glyph, but they are branding marks, done by fire."

"...Why would someone mark everyone with a burn of a white glyph..."

"Because we are not done with our mission. We never were."


"Though the moon goddess, selene may be gone. We overlooked one important thing. She has a brother, Helios." Sakusa said, looking around at the destruction. I furrowed my brows, repositioning the baby and holding her close to my chest.

"We have to find him. Then maybe... Oikawa and Iwaizumi can rest in piece.." 

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