Chapter 6

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Oikawa's POV

"Oikawa. Take this." I looked over, a sword being shoved at me. Iwaizumi held it out until I took it.

"It's heavy.."

"Stop complaining. You will use it when we reach the fire plains. There are a lot of monsters that have recently appeared and they're all dangerous."

"But I don't know how to fight.."

"Then this will be a good time to learn." He said as he walked off. I sighed and looked down at the sword in my hand. Well, let's hope I don't end up dying today. I joined the others as we continued walking towards the fire plains. While we were walking, I took the time re-read that book Kenma had given me when I noticed something.

"Hey, Kenma?"


"You have red glyph written twice here."


"...So, if someone has a red glyph, how do you know if they have red magic or if they are just strong?"

"Oh. Sorry. I should've clarified. Akaashi, can you come over here?" He asked, Akaashi parting from Bokuto and walking next to us.

"Could you should Oikawa your glyph?" Kenma asked, Akaashi raising his brow and moving his shirt. His glyph was placed right by his collarbones. He lifted his hand to activate it as it glowed a bright red.

"Red magic is shown by bright red glyphs. Strength is shown by deep, dark, blood red glyphs." Kenma explained. I nodded and made sure to remember that.

"I see. Are there any other repeated colors like that?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Most of the monsters in the fire plains will like have dark red glyphs. So remember the colors when you see them."

"Alright. Iwaizumi said there are more colored glyphs. How many are there?"

"Even I don't know how many there are in total." Kenma just said simply. I shrugged and nodded, glancing over at Iwaizumi who was walking quietly, the only noise being his armor. I wondered what his glyph looked like, or where it was. I still bet that it's red, dark red, I mean. 

After a few hours, it started getting really hot.. and the terrain had turned from green and grassy to rocky and bare. Guess we were here. We walked forward, listening to Iwaizumi's directions. He seemed to know exactly where he was going.

"Hey, is that a person?" Kuroo asked, causing us all to stop and look. Iwaizumi looked over, seeing a man wandering about and calling a name.

"Leave him. He isn't our concern."

"But shouldn't we help him?" Sakusa asked, Iwaizumi shaking his head.

"Our mission is to free Tindale, we do not have time to stop for every person needing helping."


"I said, we leave him." He said sternly. Sakusa looked displeased but kept quiet. I kept looking at the guy who looked scared and worried about whoever or whatever he was searching for.

"You guys go ahead then. I'll help him." I said, everyone looking at me surprised. 

"No. As a part of our group, you are not allowed."

"Well, then guess this is goodbye." I said nonchalantly with a shrug. The others looked at Iwaizumi who looked like he was holding back a scowl.

".....Fine then. Go help him. Then meet us in Tindale. Return to this trail, and follow it until you reach the village. Sakusa, go with him. You both will have a time of 3 days." Iwaizumi said, Sakusa nodding as he stood by me and the others continued forward. Sakusa gave me a glance before heading towards the lost guy.

Sakusa's POV

I don't understand why Oikawa has done this. He had no reason to help this man. But, I wanted to. Something about him intrigued me. Besides, you do not see wanderers in the fire plains. It's far too dangerous. 

"Sir, are you lost?" Oikawa said as we got closer. The guy turned around and looked at me before nodding.

"Yes. Well, no. I mean, I lost something... I know where I am.."

"What are you looking for?" I asked, the guy sighing heavily.

"My familiar..."

"Your what?" Oikawa asked in confusion. I rolled my eyes as the guy explained.

"My familiar...! He's the very first creature I ever learned how to tame. And I dunno where he went." The guy complained. How irresponsible of him. People with orange glyphs like he appears to be are supposed to be in full control of their familiars and their creatures.

"Perhaps we can help you find him. Where was he last seen?" I asked, the guy saying he was crossing the fire plains to go see his family and that's when he turned around and it was gone. 

"Will you two really help me find him?"

"We can spare some time." I said, the man looking relieved. 

"Thank you... he's strong, but I'm just worried he will still get hurt. He's a fox. So, he is pretty quick."

"Are you unable to simply summon him again?"

"I tried, but guess it isn't working."

"Strange, but not unheard of. Alright, then let us go look for him." 

"Thank you.. Oh, I'm Atsumu. What're your names?"

"I am Sakusa. This is Oikawa." I said, Atsumu nodding and leading us in the last direction he saw his fox go. We followed him down one of the trails before we saw a small monster wandering about. I had no magic that was capable of combat. And Atsumu's magic would be useless if he does not have his current familiar back in it's home. He is unable to summon another. So, it is up to Oikawa. He needs to learn how to fight anyway. And this little creature would be a good first lesson.

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