Chapter 22

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Oikawa's POV

This was all my fault... If I just, if I weren't so weak. Then, then maybe none of this would've happened.

I reached my hands up as high as they'd go, cupping one of Iwa-chan's cheeks. Right now, he was okay. But... he wouldn't wake up any time soon. He'll die if he doesn't wake up. And... and I don't know how to wake him..! 

I started crying, tears dripping down my face and falling onto Iwa-chan's cheeks. I sniffled, wiping the tears off his face before taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Iwa-chan came all this way to save, not just me, but everyone. 

He spent all his time saving people... And he came here to save me. Now I need to figure out to save him. Let's see.. I... I can't really go anywhere like this. But, Luna doesn't tend to make things too far apart. And, most sleeping curses or spells doesn't need any type of special potion since the person unconscious can't take it.

His body is strong and can survive off nothing for a few days. But, it'll only be so long before his body gives in and.. I'll lose him. I have to figure it out by then.

Iwaizumi's POV

"Oikawa, what's going-"

"Hajime, call me by my proper name!" Oikawa whined while setting some food down in front of me. I groaned in frustration before taking in a deep breath.

"Toru... What is going on."

"Seriously, did you hurt your head or something while out??" He asked, sitting next to me. I stared at him before grabbing both his hands and examining the backs of them. I furrowed my brows to see they had scars. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted the edge, seeing a scar there too.

"Woah- Hajime at least save it for the bedroom!" Oikawa said while giggling. I let go of his clothing before pulling my shirt sleeve down a bit to see my shoulder, a scar was there too. 

"Where did our glyphs go?"

"Glyphs? You must have hit your head... Glyphs have been gone for years."


"...Yeah, glyphs haven't been gifted to humans for years." 

"But- you had several of them, and, I had one as well."

"Well, maybe you had some crazy dream while you were ill last week."


"That fever must have taken a toll on you... Last week, you fell horribly sick... It scared me. I thought you were going to die.. And.. I was scared I'd be alone." Oikawa mumbled, looking like he was tearing up. 

There was no way that everything I remember was a dream, right? I mean... fevers, especially high and long lasting ones, can cause hallucinations and dreams, even cause brain damage from 'overheating', but... 

"I'm sorry I couldn't have done better for you..." Oikawa said, starting to cry. I looked at him quietly before slowly cupping his cheeks, using my thumb to wipe the tears away.

"It.. Nothing was your fault."

"...Please take care of yourself if you're feeling unwell again.. I can't bare if you left me and our daughter. I don't want our daughter to have to bury her father so young! And your parents would be heart broken." 

"...My... my parents?"

"Yes.. do you know how heartbroken they'd be if you fell ill again like that?" He mumbled quietly. I stared at him for a moment before mumbling.

"My parents...?" I whispered more to myself. No, this couldn't be real. My parents died when I was little. I saw it.. right? I... I didn't see them die, but, I remember seeing them on the ground. Maybe there was a possibility they had survived and the soldiers had taken me before I could see them.

"Hajime.. please, I want you to feel better." Oikawa said, breaking my thoughts. I looked at him as he grabbed my hands. I looked down, staring at a golden wedding band on each of our hands...

I sighed gently and gave him a small nod. Oikawa smiling faintly and letting go of my hands so I could eat. He gave my cheek a soft kiss before walking elsewhere in the home. I heard water running, likely the bath he said he'd run for me. While I was eating, the little girl, allegedly my daughter, wandered over and figured her way into my lap.

"Are you sick again daddy...??"

"...Ehm... A bit.."

"Well.. I made you a get well card." She said, giving me a piece of parchment with all types of decoration on it. Her and my name scribbled over the top of it in ink and charcoal. 

"Heh... Thank you. It's lovely." I said as she gave me a hug. This felt surreal. I swear... I had seen my family and my village burn when I was little. 

Yet... here I was. In my home village.. With, with a family. I had always dreamed of having a family, especially a daughter. I never wanted to become a solider... The only reason I fought was for those I had loved. But, they were all here. And, if this was some dream, I don't want to wake up. 

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