Chapter 12

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Akaashi's POV

"We're back.. where... is.. Bokuto??" Oikawa asked, seeming completely out of breath. I kept quiet as Kuroo shook his head.

"He's gone ABSOLUTELY insane!"

"That doesn't answer my question!"

"Take a guess genius." Kuroo said, Oikawa covering his eyes when there was a large blast from yet another building. He and Iwaizumi looked at us all before they held up a small glass bottle.

"The aristo said we need him to drink this."

"What is it?"

"Hell if I know, but he said it'll help." Oikawa said as I quickly told them all to follow me. We hurried to where the most chaos was and destruction was happening. When we got there, Bokuto was still trying to stop himself, but he kept losing his grip as his powers took over.

"How are we going to get him to drink this..!" Oikawa said, everyone looking at each other for ideas. I couldn't wait any longer for them, and I didn't care if I got hurt. I took the bottle and hurried towards Bokuto who stumbled backwards.


"Bokuto... It's me..."

"Gah.. stay away from me...!"

"I can help you, please.. you need to let me help you." I said while walking closer. I slowly twisted open the bottle as Bokuto tried to stay in his place. Just as I got close enough to reach out and touch him, Bokuto lost control again and a surge of flames came from all around him.

I heard the glass bottle shatter right before I flew back from the sudden blast and passed out. 

Bokuto's POV

What... what have I done.. I..

"Akaashi...!" I shouted, running over to him in a panic. 

"Akaashi? Akaashi...!" I said, pulling him into my arms. He had burns all over him now... Because of me.. Because of what I did...

"Bokuto...?" Akaashi muttered, opening his eyes. I started crying as the others ran over to help. 

"Looks like that snapped him out of it."

"Shut up."


"You're awful at being sensitive. Come on, we need to help him." 

I had no idea who was saying what, but soon, Sakusa kneeled down and started helping the best that he could. I watched quietly as the burns started to fade and Akaashi seemed to be feeling better. What have I done...

Few Hours Time Skip

"Feeling better...?" I asked, mustering a small smile. Akaashi groaned softly but nodded as he looked around.




"I'm sorry."


"I almost killed you..!" I shouted, Akaashi sitting up slowly. I wiped my eyes before he reached over and cupped my cheeks. He pulled me closer, kissing me softly and resting his forehead against mine.

"Bokuto, it wasn't your fault."


"You weren't in control of your actions. It was a magic effect on those with black glyphs, it wasn't you." Akaashi tried reassuring, but I still felt awful... I pulled him close, unable to keep from crying.

"Akaashi I don't know what I would have done if I had killed you..! After... after what happened to.."

"Bokuto. Our son's death was NOT your doing.. you know that."

"But... if I had taken him somewhere safer during the attack, he wouldn't have gotten sick." I cried, Akaashi sighing softly, taking in a deep breath before pulling away and grabbing my hands. I looked at him quietly as he gave me a soft smile, tears glossing over his own eyes.

"Now... What would our son think of his dad blaming himself like this?"


"I miss him too, Bokuto. But he wouldn't want to see either of us like this." Akaashi said, making me smile. He used his thumb to gently wipe the tears off my cheeks before wrapping his arms around my neck. I stayed still before feeling Akaashi's tears soak through my shirt...

What an idiot I am... I was so wrapped up in myself, I didn't stop to think just how harshly this was affecting Akaashi.. He loved our son just as much as me. I reached up, pulling Akaashi away a bit and kissing his cheek. He always would start breaking down only when I couldn't see his face..

"Hey, Akaashi.."


"Turn those corners up!" I said, giving him a smile. Akaashi looked at me for a moment before giving me a small laugh and smiled back at me.

"I love you, Bokuto."

"I love you too..."

"Where.. where are the others?"

"They uh, they are helping the village since I... destroyed half of it." 

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A few hours. Sakusa said you should be alright."

"Right.. should we go find the others?"

"Oh, yeah. I told Iwaizumi that I would get them when you woke up." I said, Akaashi nodding and giving me a small kiss as I got up and left to find the others. 

When everyone got there, Sakusa checked on Akaashi while Iwaizumi sighed and crossed his arms. He waited until Sakusa said that Akaashi was well until saying.

"Alright, then we should leave. We've made sure that the village and villagers will be alright in our absence."

"Hey, Can I talk to you about something...? Everyone, actually.." 

Oikawa's POV

I wonder what Bokuto wanted to say. He's already apologized a thousand times for all of this, depsite it not being his fault. Iwaizumi raised his brow as Bokuto took in a deep breath.

"I uh, I think that... I should leave... the Liberation I mean.." He mumbled, everyone looking at him surprised.


"Well, look what I've done.. And not just to Akaashi. But to an entire village. It's destroyed and so many of them are hurt because of me. I'm more of a liability."


"I've decided I don't want to use my glyph anymore.. So I won't hurt anyone. But without my magic, I'd be useless here. Much like an Unblessed. Besides, any Unblessed would agree with me. They all say to just let the abled fight." Bokuto said with a small laugh. I stood there quietly.

Did he really just say that? We all stood in silence before I clenched my fists, keeping my head down.

"...You really think all Unblessed are useless? That they don't want to fight?"


"Blessed people are the ones who tell us to stay out of the way!"

"...."Us".. Oikawa, are you-"

"Yeah, I'm an Unblessed."

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