Chapter 23

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Day time skip: Kenma's POV



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. I'm just worried about Iwaizumi. It's been a full day and he hasn't returned."

"He's... he's strong. He'll come back to us." Kuroo assured me. I wish I was so optimistic about the idea. But. There was nothing I could do but continue on in doing what he has asked us to do.

"Right. Come on. We need to keep evacuating these people before that monster we saw arrives..." I mumbled, Kuroo nodding as I picked up a little boy who had gotten separated from his family amidst the chaos.

The boy cried, clinging onto me frightened as I quietly walked with him out of the village and to where many of the other people we have escorted out where hiding.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll keep you safe."

"Good morning Iwa-Chan~" My husband said happily. I smiled faintly, running my hands along his body as he kissed me. He blushed and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck while I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He smiled happily before messing with my hair. He cuddled me close before there was a knock on our bedroom door. We both turned our heads and saw our daughter bound in. She smiled and climbed onto the bed, deciding to cuddle with us.

"When are grandma and grandpa coming to visit?"

"They'll be here in a little bit sweetheart." Oikawa said. I assumed he was speaking about his parents, so I thought little of it.

"Hey baby, why don't you go fix up that gift for when grandpa and grandma come?" Oikawa suggested. Our daughter ran off and shut the door behind her as Oikawa laughed.

"Now where were we?" He asked sensually while tangling his fingers into my hair. I hummed softly, closing my eyes and letting my husband kiss me deeply. Our intimate moment was disrupted after a while when there were knocks at the door at the front of the home. Oikawa hummed softly and climbed off of me. 

"They must be here. Get changed, I'll go get the door." He said happily before leaving the room. I got up, changing and fixing my hair before walking to where Oikawa was. My eyes widened when I saw my mother and father there.

"Hajime, how are you feeling?" My mom asked, walking up to me. I stared at her for a moment before pulling her into a hug.

"Oh-! My goodness, seems you're feeling better." She said with a laugh. I laughed slightly and nodded before letting her go. My dad walked over, tilting his head as I smiled slightly at him and gave him a hug as well.

"I'm glad you're feeling better son." My dad said with a smile. We all sat together, my daughter running over and giving a little gift to her grandparents before she made her way into my lap. She hung onto me as I wrapped my arms around her, letting her play with a necklace around my neck.

Both my parents stayed for a bit, reminiscing about things when I was little. I will admit, I didn't remember a few things, but, you don't remember everything I suppose. When they had to go, they promised to come visit another time soon. After they left, Oikawa walked up to me with a small laugh. 

"Mm. Looks like a little somebody is out for the count. I'll take her to her room for a nap." He said, taking our daughter and walking off. When he returned, he gave me a kiss and wrapped his arms around my neck. 

As happy as I was, I couldn't help but think..

"Hajime, is something wrong??"


"You looked like you were zoning out. Are you feeling alright?"

"I... Do.. do you remember anyone named Kenma, or Akaashi.. Bokuto and Kuroo.. Sakusa or Atsumu...??"

"Of course I do silly. We met all of them when we moved here. They live in the village with us." Oikawa said, booping my nose. 

Huh... I guess that the things I 'remember' could have been a bad nightmare when I was sick. I will admit that they're all blurry. And, none of it makes sense to me. I mean, in the dream, I'm pretty sure I got stabbed. But I don't have any wounds. No glyphs. No mission or weight to carry on my shoulders. Instead, I have people I love.

I didn't care if this was a dream. I was happy. And I was willing to live in this life forever.

Oikawa's POV
AGH. I still don't know any ways to wake up Iwa-Chan. I still have my glyphs, and I can use them. But what good is white or black magic here?

The only one of any use to me is able to pause time for a little bit to save me time. But it's only been a day. And Iwa-Chan's body still seems okay. But soon enough he'll die of starvation or dehydration.

Hm... I. I do have my purple glyph. And. And I can cause nightmares... but, would it only cause Iwa-Chan to die in a nightmare? Or, or could a nightmare so awful wake him up...?

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