Chapter 29

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Few Days Time Skip: Oikawa's POV

Right now, it was dead of night and we were stopped at another village. The others were at an inn, but I decided to be outside alone for a bit. We'd probably be back at the first town in a few days. I don't know what will happen once we get there though. I live there. But, I don't know if any of the others live there. Actually, I know they don't, at least not originally. Maybe after this is all over, everyone, including Iwa-chan, will just... leave...

"Oikawa?" I turned my head a bit startled, but relaxed when I saw who it was.

"Oh... Hello, Suga.. What are you doing here?" I asked curiously as he sat with me. He hummed and tucked his knees up.

"Remember that aristo we ran into at that one village?"

"Uh huh."

"He and I have been going around helping people. Sorta trailing behind you guys I guess."


"You okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry it's just been a long day." I mumbled. Suga smiled faintly when the aristo walked over. Suga got up and gave him a hug before both sat down.

"This is Daichi." Suga introduced. I smiled slightly at the aristo and nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Daichi.."

"Nice to meet you. Suga, I had come to ask you a favor." Daichi said, turning his attention to Suga. Daichi said something about a little girl who was hurt, and both of them were helping take care of. But seems like she likes Suga more. So Suga left while Daichi stayed.

"So.. You guys really have been... 'trailing' behind us.. like, helping people who we've... who I've... hurt along the way...??"

"Well, I suppose that is one way to say it." Daichi said with a small chuckle. His smile disappeared when I turned my head away in shame. 

"Hey, it isn't like all this destruction was your guys fault. You were fighting against all of this. So of course chaos naturally followed." 

"I guess... Daichi?"


"Would you ever... want to marry someone with a purple glyph?"

"Well, that would depend." 

"Huh? You'd consider it? Even if they had one??"

"Well, say that Suga had one. I would marry him still."

"You'd marry Sug- what happened between you two while we were gone?"

"He and I have been through a lot. I'm sure you understand hardships can strengthen any bond."

"I guess so. But.. aren't people with purple glyphs... evil..?" I asked quietly. I knew I still had all of my glyphs... Including the purple one branded on my chest.. 

"Of course not."


"Oikawa. The thing that makes the Lunar Warriors evil is not their glyphs. What makes them evil is what they chose to do with it. As far as I am concerned, purple is just another color of glyph. It doesn't define you." He said, as if he knew what I was thinking. I looked at him quietly as he gave me a small smile and got up to leave. 

Once he was gone, I sighed heavily to myself. Maybe he was right. I mean... There were evil people with red glyphs, black glyphs, even white glyphs. But, that doesn't make them all evil. I'd never even think of Akaashi, Bokuto, or Sakusa hurting anyone innocent.

Maybe Iwa-chan thinks the same thing? Would he care? I know he knows I still have the glyph. Yet, he still would tell me he doesn't want me leaving. The thought made me relax a little bit and smile. I suppose I should just try and think the same way. 

After a bit longer, I got up and went back to the inn. I slowly crept back into the room Iwa-chan and I were sharing. I slipped my shoes off before walking over to the bed and snuggling up under the covers. Iwa-chan let out a small snore before rolling over onto his other side to face me. I giggled when his arm kinda flopped overtop of me. 

I tried moving his arm, but it was kinda heavy... Curse him and his muscles. But I finally got his arm up and cuddled up close to him with his arm comfortably resting over my waist. 

I yawned slightly while looking at Iwa-chan's peaceful expression. Iwa-chan and I.. he has told me he loves me. He's told me to not leave him. Would he want to marry me? I mean... what Daichi had told me made sense. And Iwa-chan seems to think the same way. So, who knows. Maybe it'd be okay once we get back. 

Few more days-a week time skip back to kingdom: Still Oikawa POV

"Iwaizumi, can't we rest?" Bokuto said with a huff. Iwa-chan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"We are literally here. We must inform the king of everything that has happened."

"But Akaashi needs rest.. the baby too." Bokuto said. Iwa-chan looked over and saw Akaashi leaning heavily on Bokuto half awake, the baby in the little cloth wrap close to Akaashi's body and fussing. 

"Alright... A few hours. Then we must go to the castle. So take the time to rest now. It will be a couple more hours before we reach the palace." Iwa-chan said as we walked to the nearest inn. We were on the outskirts of the main town of the kingdom. The castle is located all the way on the other side. And by foot, it is quite a walk.

Akaashi and Bokuto walked off to a room first. Sakusa said he was going to an archive he saw on the way, Atsumu, who decided to stay with us, going with him. Kenma and Kuroo talked quietly in the main room while Iwa-chan looked at me.

"I'm going to walk outside for a bit." 

"I'll come with you." I said, the two of us leaving the inn. We walked in quiet together before someone shouted Iwa-chan's name.

"HAJIME!" We heard. Iwa-chan turned around just in time for someone to knock him over.


"HAJIME YOU'RE ALIVE!" A young man shouted. I watched in surprise as the two finally got up. Iwa-chan sighed quietly as the man wrapped his arms around Iwa-chan's.

"Yes... I'm alive.." Iwa-chan said as the man stared at me. I smiled politely at him before awkwardly clearing my throat.

"So... who's this?" I asked. Iwa-chan kept his head down for a long time before slowly looking up.

"He's my fiancé."

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