Chapter 21

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Iwaizumi's POV

"Woah, what's that?" Atsumu asked while everyone woke up and looked at the gem I was holding. I explained to them what happened during the night, and Sakusa crossed his arms.

"Sounds like you have found a way to get to Oikawa. But you will have to go alone. That gem was created for only one human to travel."

"That is fine. I want you all to continue with our original mission. Find the next city. Even if you cannot destroy the thresholds, find ways to help the people." I ordered, everyone giving a small bow. I looked down at the stone as Kenma walked over.

"Be careful. You may have a glyph of light. But you still are not used to it. And you'll be on her ground." 

"I will do my best... I want you to be in charge while I'm gone, Kenma."


"I'll be okay. Please ensure that no one does anything too stupid." I said, giving a small smile. Kenma smiled slightly back at me before nodding.

"I will do my best." 

Few Hours Time Skip: Oikawa's POV

"Did you learn your lesson?"


"That's what I thought." Luna said, giving my cheek a pat. I turned my face away before we heard screams. Luna furrowed her brows, telling me to stay as she disappeared in a puff of smoke. I stood quietly until she returned and grabbed my by my collar and pulled me down.

"...You gave him a holy glyph. Didn't you."


"YOU ABSOLUTE- hm... despite his newfound little powers, he'd be no match for me." She said with a smile. I widened my eyes as she let go of me. We heard a yell and one of the Lunar Warriors crashed through a wall, lifelessly. Luna rolled her eyes when she saw Iwaizumi appear.

"Iwaizumi dear, I would assume you've come to join us... if it weren't for my servants lying around dead."

"Give me Oikawa." 

"Gladly." She said, grabbing my arm and twisting it, kicking the back of my leg so I fell to my knees. She used her other hand and yanked my head back, a knife of black shadow appearing in her hand and by my throat.

"You want the lungs in tact??" She asked, giving my temple a kiss. Iwaizumi widened his eyes and took a step forward.

"You know, you're the most persistent Unblessed I have ever seen." Luna started, "And for that, I'll reward you."


"You seem to want to save Oikawa so much. So, what if we made a deal?" 

"...What type of deal." 

"You, in exchange for him."


"I strip him of all his powers, and return him to earth. And you stay here with me, as my new aristo." She said. I widened my eyes when Iwaizumi seemed to be thinking of agreeing to her deal.

"Iwa-chan, no..!" I said in a panic, Iwaizumi looking at me quietly.

"...They said you were the key to success. Not me. You're the one who needs to be there."


"Fine, I'll accept your deal." He said. Luna let go of me and walked up to Iwaizumi. I started to get up, but not before I saw her take the same blade and plunge it through Iwaizumi's stomach. 

"NO!" I screamed, running over as she pulled her hand away and he fell to the ground. I fell to my knees and held his upper body in my lap. I looked at him quietly before furrowing my brows at where the blade had pierced. There was no wound there. He was breathing steadily, like he was sleeping. 

"What... what did you do to him..?"

"I told him I would reward him, and that is just what I've done."


"Now, as for you. You need to learn better than to go around giving glyphs to others without my permission."

"But you-"

"Your punishment will be to stay here, and watch him slowly die in his sleep." She said a bit cheerfully. I widened my eyes and moved to get up, but black chains appeared around my wrists and ankles, keeping me on the ground with Iwaizumi in my lap. 

"Now that he's gone, I've got something I must do." Luna said, walking away in a cloud of black smoke. I looked down at Iwaizumi, feeling hopeless. 

"Please.. please wake up... I'm sorry." 

Iwaizumi's POV

What...? Where am I? What, what am I wearing?? 

I got off the ground, looking down at my clothing. Where was my armor? I was in normal clothing. And, I was in a village, but none I've seen on our travels.. It looks like I'm... home.

I walked quietly, my body remembering the roads I used to run when I was little. What was happening? I.. I remember finding Luna. She said something to me, but, I can't remember what it was. She did something to me as well. But, I can't remember-

"Hajime!" I lifted my head, finding I had wandered to the front doors of a house, a quaint and comforting home.


"Why are you home so late?" 

"....O-Oikawa???" I said in confusion as he threw his arms around my neck.

"Pftttt, how many times will you call me 'Oikawa'? I took your last name for a reason dummy."

"What-" I said in a bit of a daze when suddenly a child ran out from the house and crashed into me.

"Hi daddy!" She said with a sweet smile. Oikawa laughed and picked her up before looking at me.

"Aren't you gonna say hello to your own daughter?"

"....Daughter...?" I said, Oikawa looking a bit concerned. He set the girl down and told her to go ahead inside. I watched the girl run back into the house as Oikawa pressed a hand to my cheek. His hand was warm, apart from... a golden wedding band around his ring finger.

"Are you feeling alright??"


"You do feel warm. Come on inside, you need to rest. I have dinner made, so eat something while I get a cool bath running for you."


"No buts!"

"What are you doing...?"

"Why, I'm taking care of my husband." 

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