Chapter 19

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Early Next Morning: Iwaizumi's POV
"Both of you work on getting them out of here, somehow... I'll help as soon as I speak to Ushijima." I said, Bokuto and Kuroo getting to work on figuring a way to get the others out of here. I don't know what Oikawa was warning us about, but he said we had to leave by tonight.

I left quickly and returned to Ushijima's home. After a small knock, he opened the door and looked down at me. I smiled politely and gave a small bow of my head.

"I'm sorry to bother you again.."

"Is something wrong?"

"I have a few things I need to discuss with you." I said, Ushijima allowing me inside. I first warned him about what Oikawa had said, so Ushijima said he would keep an eye out for any trouble tonight.

"On to the second thing... do you know what type of glyph this is...?" I asked, showing him my shoulder. Ushijima examined it curiously before nodding.

"It's the rarest type."

"What does it do?"

"It's yours, and you do not know what it does?"

"Let's say I recently received it."

"...Well, it is not a normal white glyph. These white glyphs differ in shape, and this one is a holy glyph."

"What does that mean..?"

"It means that you are blessed with the power to bend and control light and dark." He said simply. I widened my eyes slightly, looking at the mark on my shoulder.

"I see... Thank you for your time." I said, turning to leave. Before I left the home, Ushijima placed his hand on my other shoulder.

"Be careful. I trust that whoever blessed you with the glyph finds you trustworthy. However, don't become careless with it."

"How would I become careless with light?"

"Our world is nothing but made of light and shadow. Unlike those with red glyphs who hold the power to freeze, rewind or fast forward time.. you have the power to distort reality. Don't get yourself lost in your own power." He warned before letting go of me. I furrowed my brows in thought before nodding and rushing to help Bokuto and Kuroo. 

We found a safe spot to create a camp for a few nights far from the village, and we managed to get everyone here with us before night. Bokuto finished making the fire and sat with Kuroo and I. Kuroo looked at me and cleared his throat.

"So, what's the glyph do? It's white, so, is it like Sakusa's?"

"Ushijima said it's a holy one. That... I can bend light and dark."



"Why don't you try it out?"


"Oikawa gave it to you. And, if you're going to use it, may as well start practicing." Kuroo said, Bokuto nodding in agreement. I looked down at my hands, furrowing my brows. How do I even use this magic? I've never thought of that... And, it was embarrassing to not know. Here I was, the leader of the Liberators, and yet I don't know how magic works.

"Hey, relax. Think of what you wanna do, and it'll happen." Bokuto said, seeming to notice my concern. I nodded, closing my eyes to take a moment and concentrate. My thoughts wandered to Oikawa. When I touched him, when I saw his face, I felt he was still there. He was scared. And he was alone. I was going to do everything in my power to save him.

"Woah.." I heard. I opened my eyes, my eyes widening quickly to see that the fire was still burning, but was completely black. All of the light from the flames were gone.

"Well, he Can certainly take light... can you, put it back??"  Bokuto said, staring at the black fire. I looked at it as well before raising my hand, focusing again before light flooded from my hand and went back into the fire. All of us squinted as the light returned.

"Okay, okay can we turn down the brightness..!?" Kuroo said, shielding his eyes. I must have given too much light to the fire..??? It took me several tries, but I got the fire back to normal. I let out a breath of relief before noticing my two teammates were staring at me.


"Nothing, we just, never have seen you like this."

"Like what."

"Not, angry or cold. Just, you seem a bit more, friendly!" Bokuto said with a laugh. I smiled faintly at the both of them before rolling my eyes.

"Alright you two.. You sleep. I'll keep watch first."

Ushijima's POV
"Wakatoshi-Kun, where're you going???" My fiancé asked, carrying our son over. Our son looked at me and made grabby hands until I took him.

"I was told something was to happen tonight. And I worry it is dangerous. I'm going to go look at it."

"But if it's dangerous, then-"

"Here, stay inside. Both of you, and stay here until I come home." I said, giving my son back. My fiancé looked worried, but I gave his head a kiss before leaving. I went to the place where Iwaizumi said he and his friends had been staying. Nothing seemed particularly out of the ordinary here, but further towards where the border of the village was...

I rushed that way, tilting my head when I saw large... I'm not too sure what they were. But there was 4 of them. And they were all large, the size of humans. It looked like some sort of black plant pods, but all of them were torn open. What happened here? And what was inside of them?

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