Chapter 31

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Iwaizumi's POV

"Hajime, I'm home." I quietly walked over to where the door is, Hikaru walking in with a few things. He set them down before leaning up and giving my cheek a kiss. He smiled before looking down at Mei.

"When are you going to be home tomorrow?"


"You said you have to go speak to the king, right?"

"Oh. We will be leaving in the morning."

"Okay, so, you'll be home around evening?"

"Likely." I said quietly, turning my attention back down to Mei. Hikaru hummed softly and extended his arms out.

"I'll take Mei." He said. I handed his daughter over to him, but she started crying. Hikaru sighed and gave me Mei back.

"Guess she misses her dad." He said with a small laugh. I nodded and said I'd take her to bed. Hikaru went to our room while I took Mei to her's. After getting her to calm down, I gently laid her in her crib and went to the bedroom.

I glanced at Hikaru before quietly raising my hand to remove my heavier and more protective 'armor' before bed.

"Hajime, let me do that for you~" Hikaru said with a hum. I watched as he walked up to me and decided to pull more than just my protective armor off. I raised a brow at him when he tugged at my shirt until I let him take it completely off for me. His hands dragged down along my bare torso before he kissed me.


"Hajime, you've been gone for weeks and weeks.. please?" He mumbled, giving me another kiss. I sighed softly, but gave in to his request.

"Okay. For tonight."

Next Day: Oikawa's POV

"Alright, is everyone prepared?" Iwaizumi asked as Kenma and Kuroo wandered out of their shared room from the inn. Everyone nodded, and Iwaizumi gave me a glance before turning to lead us to the palace where we'd have to talk to the king.

Well, it's likely that Iwaizumi would talk and the rest of us would have to wait, but I guess it's important that we're all there. The walk towards the palace was quiet aside from people stopping to talk to us along the way, but we managed to make it.

Just as I thought, the guards only let Iwaizumi into the palace and the rest of us stood outside the entrance by the gates. We waited quietly and the others talked amongst themselves, but I couldn't help but wonder about Hikaru.

How did he know my full name? No one told him, right? I know Iwaizumi knows it, but there was no reason for him to have told it to Hikaru. Not to mention Hikaru had brought up me 'getting my hopes up' about Iwaizumi. There's no way Iwaizumi would've told his own fiancé that someone else loves him.



"You alright?"

"Oh, yeah. Just, tired.."

"Kuroo gives me that lie all the time." Kenma said with a small smile. I laughed slightly and shook my head.

"Guess you don't buy it then?"


"I just... you know Iwaizumi has a fiancé?"


"What do you think of him?"

"I don't know Hikaru very well. I've only met him briefly once."


"Why do you ask?"

"I dunno. I mean.. Iwaizumi can marry whoever he wants, but, something about Hikaru unsettles me."


"Yeah. Maybe it's mean of me to think that. But I don't like him. I'm not even sure why he unsettles me so much. Guess it's just a gut feeling." I mumbled, sorta to myself. Kenma nodded curiously before crossing his arms and leaning against the wall we were near.

"Then perhaps you're right."


"I'll admit, something was off about him when I first met him. But I disregarded it. Glad I'm not alone." Kenma admitted. I smiled faintly before Iwaizumi walked out and told us what happened. We walked a bit away from the palace before I asked quietly.

"So, is this it?"

"Likely so. We've done and accomplished what we came together to do. And now all that's left is to clean the mess and go home to our lives." Iwaizumi said. I nodded slightly before looking at the others.

"Do any of you live here too?"

"Akaashi and I live in a town a few hours away." Bokuto said while putting an arm around Akaashi and their baby.

"Kuroo and I live days away. So we will stay here a while longer before leaving." Kenma said as Kuroo gave his head a pat.

"I was speaking with Atsumu, and we think it will be well if we return to where he was from and help finish repairing the town." Sakusa said, causing Bokuto to laugh awkwardly and quietly apologize.

I smiled faintly at him before sighing softly to myself. I lived here, and now I knew Iwaizumi lived here too. I mean... it's unlikely I'd run into him since I lived in the other side of the city than him, but something in me worried I'd run into him after his marriage.

Not to mention he is considered a hero now. People here recognized him. His wedding would be a big event, and one I would be able to escape... the last think I really want is to bump into a Mr. Hikaru and Hajime Iwaizumi.

"I want to thank you all for so much help. I saw we spend a bit longer together here before you all return to your homes." Iwaizumi said. The others agreed and we made our way all the way back to that inn.

Iwaizumi went into the inn with the others to talk a bit, but I stayed outside and wandered a little. I looked up at the darkening sky When someone said my name.


"Huh? Oh... hello, Hikaru."

"So, where is my fiancé?"

"Saying some goodbyes and good nights to the others."

"At the inn?"


"Perfect! I just came by to get him so we can go home."

"Right. Hikaru, seriously, how'd you know my name?" I asked, Hikaru wandering closer. He smiled and tilted his head before leaning forward so his face was close to mine.

"I know a lot, Oikawa. A lot more than you'd think. And unlike you, I know what to do to get what I want at any cost. So it would be in your best interest to just stay away from my fiancé and I."

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