Chapter 11

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Iwaizumi's POV

I'll be honest, I was doubting trusting Oikawa with anything. But, he's shown he cares for others. He might not be the strongest here, but he does have quite a heart. He instructed us to get as many people as possible out of here as quickly as possible before we could regroup and speak properly with Sugawara.

There were few places to hide from the sudden chaos Bokuto is creating, but many of the people here already ran to the plains and forests here where they knew the land. Once we regrouped safely, Sugawara put his hands on his knees all hunched over in an attempt to catch his breath.

"He... has.. a black... glyph..!" He said between huffs.

"Thanks captain obvious." I heard someone mumble under their breath. Suga caught his breath and stood back up straight.

"Ah... sorry. No one with black glyphs come here because every time they do, that happens.." Suga said as he looked around with an uneasy look.

"Why?" I asked, Suga taking in a breath.

"I'm not sure, but it's the only glyph that seems to be affected by the area."

"Could it be because of any Lunar Warriors?" Oikawa asked, Suga tapping his chin.

"Maybe. But, we haven't had any attacks from Lunar Warriors."

"You haven't??"

"No. I'm sorry, but, I don't know exactly how to save your friend..."

"You don't have any ideas?"

"Well, the only thing I can think is an aristo might be able to help."

"What's an aristo?" Oikawa asked, all of us looking at him in surprise. Hm. He really is clueless...

"An aristo is one who bears more than one glyph. They're celestial beings who are considered just next to the gods." Kenma explained, Oikawa nodding in understanding.

"Oh, I get it. So, where exactly does one find an aristo?"

"Well, they normally only live in capital cities and kingdoms. And, there aren't any of those for miles. The only aristo I know who bothers coming to villages is one who've I've heard is mean."

"Why mean?"

"I don't know. I don't even know his name or what he looks like. If they even is a he." Suga said with an apology.

"Has he, or she, ever come around here?"

"Hm, not to our village specifically, but, others have said that they've been seen around another village west of here."

"How far?"

"It's at least an overnight trip."

"...We can't leave Bokuto here alone, unrestrained, he'll destroy this whole place." Oikawa mumbled in thought. I looked at him before looking at the others.

"Sakusa, Atsumu, Kuroo, Kenma, and Akaashi. All of you make sure that the villagers are out of harms way and try to slow any destruction. Oikawa, you will come with me to the village."


"Now." I said, Oikawa following after me as I started to leave. Suga chased after us and asked to come along.

"Wait, let me come with you guys."

"It may be dangerous."

"It isn't much safer here. Besides, white magic always come sin handy." Suga said with a smile. I suppose he's correct.

"Alright. But we have to hurry." I said, Suga nodding and wishing the others luck and safety before we all left.

Oikawa's POV
"How much farther?" Iwaizumi asked Suga when the sky got dark.

"Another few hours. At least." He said, Iwaizumi looking over at me. I looked back at him for a few moments before shaking my head.

"We can't stop. Who knows what will happen if we leave Bokuto like that much longer." I said quietly, Iwaizumi giving me the smallest of smiles before nodding. All of this was so, insane. And scary... Even Iwaizumi had said he was afraid. But, he didn't show it at all. He looked as calm as could be about all of this. Well, I suppose if you've been a soldier for who knows how many years, you would be able to keep a calm composure.

When we finally got to the place Suga was speaking about, we asked as many people as we could if this aristo was around here. Several people pointed us in the direction of a home, so we went there. When we arrived, we saw a man inside healing a sick kid. Once he was done, he stood up and looked over at us where we stood by the door which was opened.

"Hello." He said with a small smile. When he turned to face us, I saw at least three glyphs. He had one on each of his hands and one on the side of his neck.

"Hello, we-"

"I know why you're here."

"Huh? You do?"

"Of course. Your friend doesn't have much time left. It may even be too late once you return."

"Will he die?"

"No. He has a strong heart and body that cannot be killed by the magic. But he won't return to normal, he'll stay a monster."

"Well how do we help him!" I said quickly, the guy folding his hands before holding out a bottle.

"Get him to drink this." He said as I took the small bottle. This won't be easy, will it...? Iwaizumi and I thanked him before turning to head off, Suga seeming like he wanted to stay here.

"Suga, are you coming?"

"I'm not as fast as either of you. I'll only slow you down.."

"Well we can't leave you here."

"I can always return home in my own time. Besides, it appears there's a lot of sick here." Suga said, looking at the aristo who smiled gently and nodded.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Both of you, hurry back and save your friend." Suga said, Iwaizumi and I running off quickly. I hope that we make it back in time... For Bokuto and Akaashi's sake.

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