Chapter 34

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((Mississippi's house on the side--->))

Later that day, Taylor came back to hang out once Shawn had left.

Shawn and I had made some plans on how we were gonna get everything started and I was really excited for what was come.

I was thankful for Taylor's company that night because I was very restless of whether or not I should tell him on our plans. I decided right now wasn't the time. He left after we snuggled and watched 'Frozen'.
The next day I arranged a meeting with 'my' Mississippi. I called Shawn afterwards on our plans and when to meet me so we could go and get this plan in action.

He arrived around noon and we had lunch together. Or should I say Shawn didn't have lunch and forced me to eat a cheese sandwich.

The entire car way there I was trying not to vomit inside Shawn's blue Mercedes. But Shawn's soothing words telling me I was doing great and this will help me later on helped me through the half hour drive.

Once we had arrived, Shawn being the gentlemen he was helped me out of the car and we walked towards our destination, hand in hand.

Mississippi's's house was located at a secluded part of town. There weren't many houses nearby, just a lot of trees. It was a nice wooden house with two floors made of glass at the front porch. As we got closer I could see someone on the porch, and as our steps took us closer the soft symphony of violin music hit our ears.

I smiled. Same old Mississippi.

Since magcon had ended and I had lost touch with the boys and Mahogany it had been Mississippi who had kept me from sinking into the darkness that my mind held. He had been a great friend of mine for the past few years and I knew I could always count on him. I had met Mississippi when he had worked at a Starbucks near my house about 3 years ago. I had been drinking coffee a lot during the time and Mississippi noticed I was a regular. After awhile we exchanged numbers and hung out and got really close. However, he never tried to flirt with me or try to persuade me in any way to be more then just a friend and I was grateful for that. He was more or so the big brother I've always wanted and never had. After awhile Mississippi quit his job at the coffee job and went to university to start his education on Entertainment Management. He was really good at what he did and passionate about it and before I knew it he went on tour with his first clients. I had lost contact with him for a bit after that.

Shawn's hand tightened around mine as he saw the shirtless figure on the front patio and I had to give a slight squeeze back for reassurance.

"Are you sure about this Liv?" Shawn whispered in my ear. I nodded with a smile.

"Hey Little River!" I called out as we took the steps onto the porch. Mississippi's head turned to where his old nickname had came and he gave a chuckle.

"If anything I'm a Big River." He replied finishing an old joke of mine and his. I could'nt help but let go of Shawn's hand and tackle Mississippi in a bear hug, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist while his wrapped around my back.

"Missed You Mississippi." A light kiss was placed on the top of my head.

"Missed you too Olive." I gave his arm a small punch once I pulled back for using his nickname for me. Shawn cleared his throat behind me reminding us we weren't alone.

I straightened myself out, slight blush coating my cheeks.

"Shawn, this is my old friend Mississippi. Little River this is rising artist Shawn Mendes." Mississippi and Shawn simultaneously crossed there arms over there chests, evaluating each other as I stood in the middle. Shawn's jaw was clenched tight as if he was angry or upset and Mississippi's didn't show any emotion. After a long pause between the two, words were finally spoken.

"Rising Artist huh? Impressive." Mississippi chuckled and I grinned, glad the two weren't on the ground trying to kill each other at the moment.

As soon as I had mentioned Mississippi to Shawn he had been tense and uncertain about him and that tension could be felt as he stayed silent.

"Shawn." I whispered softly. "Remember why we're here?" He simply sighed and his posture relaxed.

"Yes I remember." He smiled and turned to Mississippi. "It's to nice to meet you Mr. Dawn." He replied politely.

Mississippi tried to hide a laugh through a cough when Shawn used such a formal name for him. When in fact Mississippi was a 21-year-old child. He motioned for us to sit in the small sofa that was provided in the porch.

As I sat down, memories flashed before my eyes of Mississippi and I about two summers ago. That summer I had spent my time at Mississippi's house helping him and plan and just keeping him company. We would always come out here on hot days, drink some lemonade, snuggle, and talk.

"So Olivia told me you two are planning on getting a tour started up again." Mississippi stated and Shawn and I nodded.

Mississippi was deep in thought before he spoke again. "First I'll need to know how many people will be in the tour: members, family members, friends, pets. Second we'll need to get the word out and get information on the cities and places people would want you to come the most, Third we'll need to rent some tour buses, and lastly we'll need stage crew." Shawn nodded as if he had already known these things, which I guess he did cause he's been on tours before. I on the other hand was worried that we wouldn't be able to get all this planned out. As I was freaking out in my head Mississippi and Shawn started to ramble on how to get everything set up.

"Doing a quick count I'd say we will have about 15 people max for the tour. No family members will be included. We will have one friend, Jacob and as for pets none I can think off." Shawn answered Mississippi's first question easily as if he was expecting it.

I sat silently as the two planned out everything and was happy to see two of the most important people in my life were working together.


Shawn and Mississippi didn't seem to take notice as my phone was ringing so I excused myself and walked down the porch steps to answer it.


"Olivia!!!" Mahogany's cheery voice sang through the phone. I smiled.

"Hey Mahogany. What's up?"

"I need you to come over and help me pick out a dress! Like now. This is an emergency." Mahogany replied in such a serious tone I stopped myself from laughing.

"Gee it's just a dress Mahogany! Why so freaked?"

"It's not just a dress Olivia!! This could make or break my relationship."

That was news.

"Relationship? Since when have you been in a relationship and why am I just now hearing this?"

I heard some commotion going on on the background before mahogany spoke.

"Sorry what was that Olivia?"

I laughed.

"What's all the noise about?"

"Oh. Notorious and Yuma were fighting over a toy. Again."

"Haha. Who's Yuma?" I asked.

"Your piglet, silly."

My what?...

A/N: I am deeply sorry for the lame a** chapter but this is over due. If you have the time please answer the filling questions:

Who remembers when Mahogany got Olivia a piggy?

Who's excited about Magcon starting up again?


What do you think is gonna happen in the future with Olivia, Cam, Shawn, Tay....Mississippi maybe? If your suspicious about him?

Lots of love to whoever is reading! Xx

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