Chapter 25

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~Olivias' POV~

The cold February wind bit at my face as I stood cold and shivering infront of Taylor's grave. Today was his birthday and if he were still alive today he would be 21. My heart ached at the thought that he was no longer here. He had so much to live for and it was my fault he was dead...

Today was supposed to be the day. Taylor had been in a coma for the past two weeks and today was the day he was supposed to wake up. Everyone was cramped in his small hospital room waiting for when he finally opened his eyes.

Cams hand was held tightly in mine as we all waited...It was silent, except for Taylor's heart monitor beeping.




My mind wondered back to the days were I was just another fan girl who none of the boys knew I existed. Or at least that's what I thought at at the time. The hours spent watching both Cam and Tays vines wishing, hoping, and dreaming for the day I'll finally meet them face to face.

Something rang through my thoughts into reality.


Everyone took in a gasp and my eyes traveled up to the heart monitor. Flat. The line was flat. I stood frozen in place as thee noise filled my senses down to my bones.

Everything around me was hectic filled with screams and tears but I was the only who had barely uttered a single word. The screaming faded out of my brain and the thing that was still heard in my head was the sound of the monitor flat-lined and the cold reality was my fault. Taylor was dead. Officially dead. His heart was no longer beating. Everything loved in slow motion. The doctors and nurses storming into the already cramped room trying to save him. But we all knew it was too late...

I blinked a few times at the cold stone that had Taylors name engraved in it to realize that I was crying.

Three years of pain and guilt were slowly eating away at me. It was ironic really.

The poor little worthless suicidal girl who suffered from depression and self-harm, who wanted nothing more then die, had killed one of her angels.

I really was worthless. An annoyance. It it wasn't for me Taylor would be alive and happy living his life the way he wanted, Cameron wouldn't be in a mental institution fighting off his own demons, and Magcon would still exist.

~Cams' POV~

It hurt. Everything hurt. His head hurt from banging it too much on the White walls of his confined room. His eyes hurt from all the crying and rubbing he did. His throat hurt from screaming and frustration and anger. His arms and legs hurt, scratched bruised and bleeding, from his clawing at them with his bare hands.

Cam sat at the corner of the room, rocking back and forth, whispering the only thing he wanted right now..."I want to die."

The words kept tumbling from his lips again and again and again.


He screamed as his brain filled with the awful noise again.




"STOP!!!" He screamed again and placed his hands over his ears trying to drown out the noise, but it was still there.


Getting louder and Louder.

"STOP IT!" Cams fist connected with the wall. Multiple cracks were heard and blinding hot pain shot through his arm.

Someones arms wrapped around his fragile frame but he pushed them away. They tried again and grabbed his wrist.

Cameron shoved and kicked and punched until something stung on his arm and he found it harder and harder to struggle against whoever it was.

~Nashes POV~

"Do you think this is such a good idea?" Hayes muttered as they both stared down at Nashes phone which was now dialing Olivias number.

"No...but we need to fix this somehow. The story cant just end like this." Nash voice was quite as he spoke. Taylor's death and Cams condition took a toll on him worse them anyone else. Cameron was his best bud and it hurt him alot seeing how he broke down and just lost it. The way he was going slowly insane made his choke back his tears for his best friend.

The phone rang, once, twice, three times, until finally someone picked up.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end seemed unfamilar. It didn't contain any happiness or emotion at all. Just a blunt and hoarse tone.

"Olivia.." Nash gulped as he took the phone off speaker and pressed it against his ear.

"Nash?" Olivia recognized and her tone brightened just slightly.

"We..I...want to do something in Taylor's memory.." She sucked in a breathe and the line was silent for a few minutes. Nash looked at his phone but the line had not gone dead.

"Where and When?..." She finally spoke here voice barely a whisper.

" the Cliff."

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