Chapter 30

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Olivia's POV

By the time the movie had ended I was snuggled closely in Tays arms. He was laid back onto the couch and I was laying on top of him with his arms around my back. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

It felt like home.

I happy sigh escaped my lips as the screen went black. Taylor gently rubbed my back.

"You alright Liv?" He asked as I shuffled off of him so he could sit up.

"Yeah. feels nice to have you back." I whispered and he smiled.

"I'm glad to be back in your life Liv. I've missed you so much." I felt his strong arms wrap around me and I happily snuggled my face into his chest. When he let go I glanced at the digital clock.


We still had 2 hours to kill before Taylor's dinner reservations to...Well I didn't know. He wouldn't tell me. I turned to ask him again and noticed he had been staring at me. I felt my cheeks burn slightly and by the way Tay chuckled I could tell he noticed. I cleared my throat.

"Taylor?" I asked looking away from his gaze.


"Where are we going for dinner?"

"Its a surprise." I groaned slightly at his response.

"Please can you tell me? You know I hate surprises.." Taylor shrugged.

"The last surprise didn't go so well did it now?" I looked at him confused for a moment before remembering. The last time I had been surprised was when the guys threw me a surprise birthday party when I turned 18. I remember it so well. Dress shopping with Mahogany, Spending the day with Shawn on the beach, dancing with Tay at the party, Cams birthday present, just hanging out with all of them in general. I was smiling going back through the memories when everything turned for the worst when it felt so wrong kissing Tay.

I sighed and looked up at Tay and gave him my best puppy dog eyes. "Please?" I said softly.

"Oh god Olivia! Its not fair when you use those eyes on me! Okay Okay....." He locked his eyes on mine. "I'm taking you to Cherry Blossom." I gasped at his response. CHERRY BLOSSOM??! That was the most expensive restaurant in town that is if you could get a reservation in the first place.

"Cherry Blossom? Your kidding right?" I asked completely shocked.

"Of course I'm not kidding Liv. You deserve the best." He said the last part a little to sadly as if there was a hidden meaning behind it but I didn't give it much attention.

"B-But how? That's the most expensive restaurant in town and you didn't even know if I would go with you or not! How did you make a reservation so easily?"

"I know some people" He replied with a goofy grin. I looked at him totally confused now.

"Whatever you say." I replied but secretly filled with joy on the inside. "We still have 2 hours to kill what do you wanna do?" Tay smirked at me.


"Taylor!" I shouted and threw a sofa cushion at him knowing very well what his intentions were.

"Kidding Kidding! Here." Taylor pulled out his phone, tapped the screen a few times, and came closer to me holding the phone out. "Smile." He replied and I barely had time to react to his words before he took a selfie of two of us.

"Where are you posting that?" I asked curiously.

"Twitter and Instagram." And sure to his words my phone buzzed a few seconds later and got a instagram notification. "Why don't we just cuddle. Come here babe." I grinned and my heart skipped a beat when he called me 'babe'. 3 years later and he still had that effect on me.

Taylor pulled me on top of him and laid back down to his previous position when we were watching the movie. I laid my had down on his chest and he trailed his fingers tips down my back. I could hear his heartbeat and closed my eyes as the silence thickened between us. Taylor's hands wondered on my back and we stayed like that for half hour. Taylor's fingertips were now trailing over my arms as well and when he trailed them over my shoulder I shuddered. It was a habit when people touched me around or on my scars or cuts that I would shudder. Most people didn't think much of it but this was Taylor. Figuring by my reaction Taylor flipped me over so I was now laying back against the couch while he towered above me, holding himself up with his arms. My heart hammered in my chest and I bit my lip refusing to look him in the eyes.

"Olivia..." Taylor started and I knew he was gonna say something serious. He always did when he used my full name. I didn't look at him instead closing my eyes tightly. "Olivia look at me." He ordered and I just shook my head. The sofa tipped slightly and I felt his hand on my cheek gently brushing a strand of my hair from closed eyes. I sighed and opened them to look up to him. He looked pretty upset and I hated myself for letting my guard down.

"When was the last time you cut Olivia?" I winced at his demanding tone and bit my lip. "The Truth."

"3 days ago..." I whispered softly. Taylor leaned forward and placed a kiss to my forehead and moved from on top on me. He pulled me from my current laying position and onto his lap. I was wearing a long sleeved navy blue sweater. It wasn't even fall yet but I had to hide the scars. I was very self-conscious when people looked and stared at me with pity when seeing the red marks across my skin.

Slowly Taylor took my arm and pushed up the sleeve revealing pale old white scars all along my arm and angry looking red cuts from recent days. A sharp gasp escaped his lips as he saw how deep down they had been. I took a gulp of air waiting for his reaction.

Tay leaned down to place a soft kiss on my broken skin. He did so all up my arm before finally looking at me again. I had tears in my eyes by the time he did and he pulled me against his chest. My bottom lip trembled and silent tears ran down my cheek as he tried to soothe me with encouraging words.

"Oh Olivia. I am so so sorry for everything. I should never have left you. The first time or the second time. I was an idiot not to realize what effect it would have on you. I'm sorry for not being there for you all this time. I regret it so much. I really do." He pulled back to wipe away my tears with his thumb as he held my face. "But I promise Ill be here for you from now on. Ill never let you down again."

I gave a teary-eyed smile and I saw him glance at my lips then back at my eyes. I knew what he was thinking...but I wasn't ready for that yet...So as he leaned in I simply shook my head and hugged him with my arms around his waist.

Taylor didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and hug me tightly.

"Babe I need to head back to my place to change and you should too." Taylor said as I pulled back. I nodded and stood to walk him out.

I opened the door from him and he walked out but hesitated looking back at me.

"Ill be okay. Don't worry." Taylor smiled and continued out.

"Oh and Taylor!" I called out. He turned to look at me. "Thank you."

So I'm back after a long hiatus! I'm so sorry.
But I truly love this fic I have created and I am NOT gonna abandon it. It will be finished. Thank you for your support xXAsh

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