Chapter 28

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Olivia's POV

The phone rang.




And at the fourth ring my heart sped up as someone on the other line picked up.

"Hello?" The familiar voice sounded through my ear.

"Shawn? It's me Olivia. I'm sorry for calling on such short notice but..I need to talk to you." The words just came out in a rush and I was surprised to find I was holding back tears. Seemed like through all the new information I had learned it was Shawn who I had trusted to call.

Not even Mahogany.

But Shawn.

"Um...I'm sorry Olivia but I'm in NYC on tour for another two weeks..."

Tour? I didn't realize Shawn had made it so big.

"Oh..." Was all I could mutter when I felt my heart breaking a little to think I really was alone right now.

"But I promise I'll get in contact with you soon and talk. Alright?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Alright. Thanks Shawn...I-I really needed to talk to someone and I'm glad it was you...even though I didn't get anything off my chest..." I started to ramble but Shawn stopped me.

"Talk? Why? What happened? Are you alright?" His voice seemed worried and concerned.

"No no it's nothing serious. Well..sort off. It's just some things of the past have come back to...haunt me."

"Are you sure your alright? You Just tell me if it's really serious and I'll get on the next flight to meet you." A small smile crept onto my face.

He cared.

"No no it's okay. Just call me whenever you can alright? Goodbye Shawn."

"Don't say 'goodbye' Olivia. I really hate it when people say that to each other. 'Goodbye' seems like a final farewell. I always say later because I know I'll see you again. So later Liv." He hung up.

I stared at my phone for awhile after he hung up. Hmm...

Goodbye vs. Later. Made sense.

I jumped just a little when someone's hand rested on my shoulder. I turned around to see Taylor. I didn't let him get a word out before I turned back around and started walking from the cliff.

I didn't realize he was following me until I got to my car.

As I opened the drives seat he pushed it close with his hand.

"What do you want Taylor?" I hissed slightly and tried to open the door again without luck.

"We need to talk Olivia." I shook my head.

"We have nothing to talk about Taylor. Now please let me leave. "

"Not until you listen to what I have to say."

"I don't have to listen to you!" I screamed in his face and pushed him aside to get in the car. I put my keys on the ignition and was about to drive off when Taylor got in front of the car.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten before rolling down the window.

"Please get out of the way."

"No. Either you listen to me or you can run me over. Your choice."

After mumbling a curse under my breathe I gave my answer.

"Fine." Taylor moved out of the way to open the door to the shotgun seat and slammed the door shut.

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