Chapter 36

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Olivia's POV

I was shocked. I didn't even know what to say I was completely at a loss on words. 

"How did you-..But I thought-..."  Mahogany had a huge grin on her face as she leaped up and gave me a hug.  I decided that protesting wouldn't do any good so I turned to the side as everyone filled in.  It had been so long since I've seen most of them and I didn't know what to think.

Nash's hair was shaggier, Hayes looked older, Jack and Jack were still inseparable, Aaron grew some facial hair, and Carter seemed....guilty.  But the one person who I was really shocked by was Cameron.  

His eyes had dark circles under them as if he hadn't slept in awhile, he looked way to thin for my liking, and seeing as he had on a short sleeved shirt I could see multiple little crescent shaped scars along his left arm.  

As everyone entered my house I closed the door and locked it, eyeing everyone from the current spot I was in.  There was a loud thud against the door that made me jump in surprise and confusion.  

"Aw Olivia did you forget to let in poor little Yuma?"  Mahogany called out from her current position on my couch and I apologized as I reopened the door. A stout baby pink pig looked up at me.  She had a black circle around her eye that was the only blemish on her pink skin.  


Yuma the pig snorted at me as she trudged past into the crowded house.  I locked the door once more making sure there weren't any more wandering pigs I may have forgotten.  Yuma clumsily walked past everyone on her short stubby legs and with difficulty jumped on my couch to lay on Mahogany's lap.  She must have gotten used to her since she was the one that brought her up.  

I just stood and watched them as they all stared at me in return.  

"You still have my necklace," Cameron was the first to speak.  My hand went to my throat where the locket Cam had given to me so long ago was hanging.  Taylor had returned both his and Cameron's necklace to me after that day on the cliff and I haven't taken them off since.

'I-..Yeah."  Was all I could manage out as I nervously walked past all of them for the stairs.  

"Um..I'm gonna go change." I said as I noticed all of them were in their pajamas.  Guess Mahogany didn't understand the meaning of just you and me.

I didn't wait for any of them to reply as I basically sprinted up the stairs into my room and closed the door behind me with a small slam.  

"Oh My God.." My hands wrapped around my hair, slightly tugging them.  I was freaking out.  They were all here, in my house.  But why?  I looked at myself in the mirror.

This is your chance to make everything right Olivia.  Take it.  Stay calm and take the opportunity.  I made a mental prayer to good that this night wouldn't and up in a disaster as I stripped myself of my current clothing and pulled on my maple leaf PJ's.  However, I wasn't quite as in a rush to get back downstairs.  

"Hungry." Was the  first thing I heard when I made it to the last stair and someone groaned. 

"Want me to order a few pizzas?"  I asked biting my lip nervously.  

"Yes." Everyone replied in union with a snort from Yuma.  I looked at the pig with a grin and Mahogany shrugged.

"She likes pizza crust, its not bad."  She spoke patted the Yumas head that was rested on her lap.  I nodded and pulled out my phone to make the order.

"What do you guys want?"  I asked as the phone was dialing the nearest Dominoes.

"Green Peppers!"




"Cheese, I like cheese."




"Yes Alfredo!"

"Maybe order a side pasta for me? I don't like pizza much."  I stood there overwhelmed a bit by all the answers that had been shouted at me.  The phone is picked up and the pizza waiter asks me what I would like."

"Um...2 large cheese pizzas, 1 large veggie pizza, 2 large Alfredo pizza, 1 green pepper pizza, and 1 large pizza with pineapple and half mushrooms and olives. Oh and a medium size of chicken pasta."  I took a deep breathe knowing this was going to cost me a lot of many when I barely have enough to pay the bills.  Id make it work though.  It would be worth it, at least I hoped.  The young man on the other end asked if that would be carryout or delivery and I replied with delivery.  I also gave him the address before I finally hung up.  

I turned around to look at all them and they seemed to smiling and happy.  I gave a smile of my own as I announced,  

"Alright the order is placed, it might take longer then usual for delivery since its such a large order."  Some of them nodded in understanding as I just stood there awkwardly.

"You're acting we're some strangers that could go psycho at any moment and kill you."  Piped Johnson from his seat on the floor, his head laid back onto one of the couches.

My living room was set up as a giant U shape.  A large three portion couch was on each side with a four portion one connection the two facing inwards.  Mahogany, Yuma the pig and Aaron sat on one sofa, while Taylor, Shawn, and Cameron shared another, with Hayes, Carter, Matt, and Jack G sitting in the last.  Leaving poor Jack J to sit ion the floor.  

"If you go down the hallway by the kitchen there's a closet with a bean bag chair if you'd like."  Johnson jumped up and hurried to mu directions to get his more comfortable seat.  As I was about to sit down as the doorbell rang.  I looked at the digital clock on the TV and saw that it had been almost half an hour of quite between us.  I hurried to the door and opened it to the delivery guy who seemed to be struggling with the boxes.

"That will be.." He strained fixing a falling box and I reached out to help.




Sorry for the sucky chapter :c 

Lots of love though... xx

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