Chapter 33

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Olivia's POV

15 minutes after Taylor had left, Shawn knocked on my door.

I answered the door to see Shawn and he chuckled.

"You look nice." He said as he walked inside. I rolled my eyes at him.

"If I want to answer the door in a tank top and sweats with my hair in a messy bun as if I've been sleeping then I will." I replied and motioned him to sit on the couch and sat beside him.

It was silent after that for awhile. I missed the joking atmosphere we had not too long ago but I guess the awkward pause was coming sooner or later.

"Have you talked to Cam since you saw him at the cliff?" He asked and I frowned.

"How'd you know about that?"

"I called up Nash and he explained things to me." He replied and leaned back against the couch, lazily spreading his arms across the back.

I nodded my head in understanding and we grew silent again.

"When was the last time you've eaten Olivia?"

Great. First Taylor and now Shawn too.

"Just had breakfast before you came by." I replied and smiled weakly.

Shawn tilted his head and studied me for a moment. "Taylor forced you to?"

I sighed and nodded.

"He did the right thing."

"Ugh not you too!" I stood up, crossing my arms and started pacing out of frustration.

"Olivia you have to eat." Shawn stood to catch me from walking and I simply looked up at him. He's grown taller then me since the last time I've met.

"Don't you think I know that? I know I have to and Taylor wants me to and so do you but I just...I just can't!" This conversation had taken a turn for the worst.

"If you keep saying you can't then you won't be able to. You have to believe you can. How do you think I made it so big?" Shawn was gripping my shoulders slightly, not too hard.

"It's not that I don't want's just. I've gotten used to it you know? I've been alone for so long. Three years to be exact. Three years. I had no one. Each day was a struggle. My life was passing me by too fast for me to understand and I didn't feel as if I had control. Not eating, the hunger pains in my stomach, that was something I could control. It kept me on check with reality. It's become a part of me in a way. One forced meal isn't gonna fix me so easily Shawn." I started to rant and ramble on and had to catch my breathe at the end.

Shawn furrowed his brow taking in my every word. Taking my hand he had me sit back down on the couch.

"Who ever said anything about fixing you Olivia?"

"That's all anyone has ever wanted to do Shawn! I've gone to doctors and therapist and all they care about is 'fixing me'. To make less of a danger to myself and others and as long as they do so they'll live there lives without even caring. No ones cares about how I feel. How I got like this in the first place. All they care about is give me meds and books to read and how it'll be all over soon." I dug my nails into my wrist from frustration.

Shane sat patiently at my side until I was calmed down before pulling me into his lap and rocking me to make me feel better.

"I'll help you get through this Olivia. You are a beautiful soul and deserve none of this pain your feeling. You deserve to be happy."

Happy? When was the last time I had truly been happy. And again the same memories popped up. The magcon your. When all my boys and Mahogany were together living the dream. That was when I was at my happiest.

I must have been deep in thought cause Shawn snapped his fingers across my face.

"Earth to Olivia?"

I bit my lip and looked at him.

"You said I deserve to happy. And I was thinking about the last time I really was happy. Back when we were touring. You and Tay and Cam and the boys and Mahogany."

"Where are you going with this...?" He asked uncertain.

A huge smile lot up my face.

"We should bring back the Magcon tour! It would be so great to have us all together and meeting fans. I know they've missed you guys. Come on Shawn. This could be a fresh start for all of us!" I started gushing on and on about all the places we could go and tour dates when Shawn stopped me.

"That's a great idea and I would love to start new Olivia, but remember we were just the entertainment. We didn't know anything about booking locations and dates or hiring tour buses. That was all Bart's work."

I grew silent, deep in thought again. He was right. Suddenly I snapped my fingers.

"I know someone who can help us."

"Who?" He asked.

"Mississippi Dawn."

"You really think she could help us?"

"I'm sure HE can. I've known him for years."

Shawn's facial structure stiffened at the correction of he.

"How old is your friend?" He asked, almost as if he was holding back anger or something.

"Same age as me. 21." I answered.

Shawn grew quite not looking me in the eyes. And that's when I understood. I used my index finger and tilted his head up by the chin, making his eyes lock with mine.

"If your worried about Mississippi and I having a history then stop worrying. Nothing happened. We are and always have been best friends. He's like an older brother to me more then anything."

Shawn nodded. "I just don't want you getting hurt by anyone else whether it be by Tay or Cam or this Mississippi dude."

"What if none of them hurt me? What the hurt me?"

Shawn's expression became blank and he stared at me long and hard.

"I would never, and will never hurt you Olivia. That's a promise."

A/N: Happy updates! :) Please comment and vote. Thank you! Xoxo

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