Chapter 27

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You guys didn't meet the expectations of 30 votes and 20 comments but this is over due. Enjoy :3


Olivia's POV

There before my eyes stood none other then Nash with Cameron. I was in shock to see him here.

Last time I checked he was in the best..mental state and looking at him now he wasn't in the best physical state either. His eyes weren't shining like before and there were dark bags under them. I could tell he had lost some weight as well. No smile.
The one that could light up a whole room, it just wasn't there.

But it was the person next to Cameron that really had me frozen.

"Taylor?...B-But you died...Y-Your dead.."

Taylor sighed. "No. You and Cam just thought I was dead."

I sucked in a breathe at his words and let my mind wonder back to the day so many years ago. He had flatlined. It was clear as day when the chaos broke loose.

"But we were there. You died on that hospital bed."

"The doctors brought him back when every was dragged out of the room." Cam spoke and the look on his face told me he hadn't had an idea either.

I mulled it over in my head.

"So for the last three years you made Cameron and I believe you were dead? That because of us you had the nerve to kill yourself? Do you know how much this hurts Cam? You realize every time I visited him he kept repeating it was his fault?!" I was yelling by the time I was finished. I couldn't believe this. I had been tricked and deceived into thinking one of the two people I truly cared about had been killed.

I turned to Nash who had been standing quietly listening to our conversation.

"And you didn't tell me either! Not you or Mahogany or anybody!" I felt tear prick at my eyes but I hurt my teeth forcing myself not to cry. "The people who I thought were my friends ended up being liars and manipulators!"

Cameron's head snapped up at my words. "You forgot Olivia if it weren't for you we wouldn't be in this mess!!"

I stood on shock at his words but that didn't stop him from continuing.

"If it weren't for you suddenly appearing then NONE of this would have happened! Taylor and I wouldn't be trying to kill each other for you. We wouldn't be hurt! Magcon would still EXIST."

"Says the one who put himself into a mental hospital because his so called friends lied to him."

My hand went to my neck where I still had my two necklaces. The one Cam had given me on my birthday a few days after I met them and the one I made myself that said 'Tay' on it. I hadn't taken them off in such a long fine. Taking hold of both tightly into my fist and yanked them off and threw them on the ground in front of there feet.

"Goodbye." I whispered and pushed last both of them. Off that cliff that held many memories. Shawn had found me there when Mahogany had told me about my past. Shawn. Digging into my jeans picket I pulled out my phone. It had awhile since I talked to any of the other guys but I still had there numbers. I knew Shawn out of all the people could really explain everything to me. He seemed like the only true friend right now.

I looked back to see none of them had come after me. Good...but it still didn't stop my heart from shattering just little bit. I dialed Shawn's number and brought the phone to my ear. I bit my lip as the phone rang.

Once. Twice. Thrice.

I was about to give up hope when I heard someone pick up.


Taylor's POV.

"What are you doing?" Nash asked Cam when he held back Taylor from going after Olivia.

"You know I still have feelings for her and all but don't deny our lives would be easier if she wasn't in it." Cameron explained with a flat tone.

Taylor picked up the two necklaces on the ground and looked at them. He couldn't help but smile at the one with his name on it. He looked at the one Cam got her and shook his head.

"Yeah it would be easier but who ever said life was easy? She didn't mean for any of this to happen you know? And doesn't this-". Taylor dangled Cams necklace in front of him. "-Mean anything to you? Or did you just get it for her in the heat of the moment because you couldn't have someone you wanted. You might see this as solving a problem but I see it as hurting someone I love. So you can sit back and enjoy your simple life but I'm not gonna let Olivia slip away for a third time."


So sorry for he waits guys :) hope you like this chapter.

Can we get it to 30 votes and 20 comments? {and by comments I mean reactions to the story :P}

Love ya kitties <3 be good pussy cats and check out my other fanfic? Thanksies ^-^

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