Chapter 37

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Cameron's POV

Olivia looked so..good when I saw her. Her weight was still concerning and there were still scars on her arms but mentally she looked better. Her smile reached her eyes for the first time in years, she mantained eye contact and she was just glowing. I was proud of her for pulling through, with or without me.

It was no doubt I still loved her but as long as she was happy, I was happy, and thats all that mattered.

Shawn's POV

I was seated at the end with Taylor inbetween Cam and I. Odd how the three of us ended up on the same couch. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Cameron looking at Olivia. His face didn't show any emotion but it didn't need to for me to know what he was thinking.

I adored Olivia from the moment I met her but hid my feelings. I may have gotten hurt a few times in the process but that was okay.

I love her but as long as she was happy, I was happy, and thats all that mattered.

Taylor's POV

It was all a set up. I had known Olivia's plans with Shawn ever since she lied about having a doctors appointment to see him. I didn't blame her though. She probably figured we'd try to kill each other, but what she doesn't know is that we all made up. There was no point fighting over her anymore.

Cam, Shawn, and I made a truce.

As long as Olivia was happy, we were happy, and that's all that mattered.

Olivia's POV

Holy crap.
I didn't think it would cost over 100 dollars! That's insane.

My mind was racing as I took half the pizza boxes from the boy and asked him to join me inside to place them on the kitchen counter. I could feel everyone's eyes on my and it made me more then uncomfortable. My hands were starting to sweat slightly as I wondered if I had enough money saved up from work.

"I got you love!" Mahogany stood from her position waving what seemed to be ten dollars in the air. Before I could even protest the rest of the boys were yelling out how much they had to give.

"I have a twenty."

"Oh so do I."

"I found a ten."

"I'll give 15."

"All I have is a five."

"Same here."

"Here's a twenty Olivia."

"Oh wait, I found three dollars and sixty-eight cents."

"Damn all I have is half a stick of gum."
The whole room burst out laughing at Jack J's lazy remark as the boys came up to me one by one to hand me the cash. Quickly I counted up the money, biting my lip as I did. . They managed to collect enough to pay for the pizzas and leave a tip. I couldn't help the radiant smile that overtook my face as I handed the money to the delivery boy and took the remaining pizzas from him.

The boxes were set on the floor where everyone gathered and started searching for what they had ordered. Yuma the pig moved from her position leaving me an empty seat to take. I watched happily as my friends chatted among themselves and dived in to the cheesy food.

A plastic plate was handed into my hands along with two slices of Alfred pizza. I looked up to see Cameron smile and I returned that smile with one of my own.

"Care to tell the news Liv?" Shawn asked laying back agianst his seat not yet have helped himself to the food.

I looked at him confused for a second before it clicked.

"Oh right." All there eyes landed on me and I took a deep breathe before beginning.

"Throughout these few years I have battled with myself a lot, just thinking and wondering what my life has come to. I realize I have caused major conflict between myself and all of you. It's been hard for me but I would really like to eliminate the negative influences of the past and start fresh. I met with a friend of mine that deals with tour management. Good news, magcon is back." The room was dead silent for a few seconds before it erupted in applause.

"Oh my god really?"

"This is so exciting!"

"Thank you so much Olivia!"

"The boys are back!"

"Wait wait wait." All eyes turned to who had spoken.


"Before this celebration can begin I believe I owe you an apology Olivia. This is way over due. I know none of what happened was your fault and I'm sorry for hating on you for it. I guess I was just looking for someone to blame. I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me one day."

I could do nothing but simply nod at his words and smile. The room filled into several mini conversations as everyone buzzed in excitement at what was to come. Pizzas were shared, sodas were brought out, and the house filled with joy lost long ago.

Sitting there looking around the room at all the people I have ever loved I felt a pride of happiness swell inside me.

It may have taken awhile and hope might have been lost throughout the journey but I'm glad that I had friends like the magcon boys and Mahogany.

I couldn't be happier with how things had turned out because whether I wanted to admit it or not they had saved me.


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