Chapter 17

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~Olivia POV~

The hotel we were staying at was near the beach and an arcade building. As soon as Shawn and I arrived inside we raced towards theSkiiball game.

"Ready..." Shawn said once we were positioned in front of the machine each with a ball in hand.

"Set..." I whispered.

"GO!" We both shouted at the same time and started rolling the balls up the ramp.

I totally sucked and the first round ended faster then it started. Shawn won with 40 points while I only had 10.

"Rematch." I growled not wanting to get beat.

"Bet you a dollar I win again." Shawn chuckled.

"Deal." I said and we started the game again. I didn't even make one this time.

"My dollar please." Shawn said proudly and held out his hand. I sighed and reached into my pocket. I pulled out a dollar and gave it to him.

"Thank you. Bet you five more bucks I win again." Shawn said while running a hand through his brown hair. Instead of saying no like I should have I ruffled his hair and said game on.

Shawn scored a perfect score of 40 again and so did I.

"Tie." I said.

"Yeah..but I bet I can carry you down to the beach for another five bucks." Shawn laughed.

"No you cant! I'm not that light. Your on! Now get down so you can try to piggyback me and fail." I laughed.

"Who said anything about piggybacks?" Shawn said smirking and before I had time to react he grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder.

"Put me down Shawn!" I screeched totally embarrassed cause I'm sure everyone could see up my skirt.

"A bets a bet." He and resumed to carry me down to the beach, a ten minute walk from the arcade.

~Shawns POV~

Spending the day with Olivia turned out better then I originally thought. I asked her to spend the day with me mostly to take her mind off things.

Once I saw Olivia lose the first Foosball game I knew I could give her a good time. I wasn't really planning on carrying her down to the beach but seeing her smile and laugh...I couldn't help but wanted so bad just to touch her. I could smell her rosy perfume all the way down there.

Once we got there I placed her on the boardwalk and Olivia punched my arm.

"Ow." I said rubbing where she had hit me. "What was that for?" I asked.

"For completely embarrassing me! Everyone could see up my skirt the whole way here!" She growled and crossed her arms clearly annoyed.

"Sorry Sorry." I said and pulled her in for a hug. She shrugged when I let go.

"Its fine...But..You won so.." She reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out five bucks and handed them to me.

I happily took the money. Olivia looked down towards the ocean and smiled.

"Come on." I said and pulled her arm and lead her down to the water.

~Olivias POV~

Shawn and I spent the rest of the time just walking on the beach, talking and laughing.

"So....this probably the wrong question to ask right now but...Who do you wonna be with?" I looked at him confused as we walked on the sand.


"Taylor or Cameron?' He asked me and then I understood.

"Oh..I don't know.." I said with a frown

"You really need to make a decision Olivia. Taylor's been taking out all his anger and sorrow on Cameron since you come and its ruining there friendship. Taylor really wants you back but so does Cameron. He was hoping you'd give him a second chance after so long. "

I nodded and silently listened to what Shawn had to say.

"And I-..." Shawn cut off whatever he was going to say and cleared his throat. "So who is it gonna be?' He asked. I sighed and though through everything that has happened since I got here.

"This is such a hard decision..." I said biting my lip. I cant believe he was making me choose between them.

"Just follow your heart..." Shawn whispered and took my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. I looked up at him and found him staring at me, his brown eyes shining under the Florida sunlight. Before I could say anything he checked his watch.

"i have one more place we could go..." Shawn said.

"Where?" He gave me a goofy smile and took my hand. "Its a surprise." He said and tugged me along, up the beach and back towards the direction on the arcade. Instead of going into the arcade building like I thought Shawn pulled me down the street towards the hotel and took a left. I had no idea where he was taking me but I guess it really was going to be a surprise.

~Shawns POV~

Before we reached the building where Olivia's birthday party was held I told her I need to blindfold her. She wasn't willing at first but I managed to convince her and i the blindfold from my pocket where i had been hiding it. After placing it securely around her eyes, I picked Olivia up. She squealed when she was lifted off the ground.

"Shh...." I said as I placed Olivia down and told her to take off her blindfold.

~Olivias POV~

I was really nervous when Shawn blindfolded. Seemed as if he was taking me out on a secret romantic date. I went along with it curiosity getting the better of me. Once Shawn said so I took of my blindfold.

"SURRRRPPPPRISSSSE!!!" I stood frozen. We were in a tall and wide building which had several moon bounces, all different shapes,sizes,designs,and colors.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!!" Everyone shouted. Matt, Aaron, Carter, The Jacks, Cameron, Taylor, Mahogany, Nash, Hayes, Jacob, even Bart. Everyone was there. Balloons and streamers were everywhere along with confetti. Everyone was staring at me waiting for my reaction. I couldn't believe any of this. Before I knew it I turned and tackled Shawn into a hug.

~Shawns POV~

Olivia stood frozen for a few seconds and what she did next totally surprised me. She turned around and tackle me in a hug. Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and her head lay on shoulder. "Thank you..." She said as if she was on the verge of tears.

"For what?" I whispered.

"I thought you wanted to hang out to get my mind off things but I didn't know you were keeping me busy so you could let everyone else plan." That really stung. I did ask Olivia to hang out cause I wanted. I wasn't even thinking of her party at the time.

Someone cleared there throat. Olivia and I looked up to see Taylor. He held out his hand and Olivia happily took it. Taylor gave me a deadly look before walking off with one of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.


~Sorry for the late chapter! Hope you like though.

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