Favourite human

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Wilbur never really liked humans. They are the worst creatures to exsist. So yeah he was suprised when a certain blonde haired boy filled the empty hole in his heart that he had as long as he can remember.

There was just something about Tommy that makes the god love him. He felt like a little brother from the moment the god saw him.

So Wilbur did what every god would do, he adopted Tommy with the reasoning "He's my favourite human." Now Wilbur was the only god so no one could stop him either. Tommy didn't mind he and the god had bonded and to be honest? It's pretty fucking cool to be friends with a god!

Every since then they mostly just chilled, travelled and did some of Wilbur's experiment which he likes to call "putting 100 people in a box."

Over all it was fun.

Wilbur also might've made Tommy immortal. Once Tommy turned 21 he would stop growing.


Tommy was 10 when Wilbur 'adopted' him and now 6 years later they are closer than ever.

Tommy likes to call Will his older brother even though he raised him, Wilbur didn't mind because Tommy felt like a small brother to him.

"Wilby, I'm bored. We should do something. Join another Smp maybe?" Tommy was sitting on a couch in their shared home.

"Toms, you know i hate humans." Wilbur sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We can ruin their lives though. Ruin their smp.. You did see the new big smp; "Dream SMP" or something." Wilbur seemed more intrested now that they're talking about ruining people's lives.

"Yeah I've seen it. It's not that big, there's only a few people."

"But it will get big, didn't you notice how much people join per month. I say give it another 2 months and it will be the biggest smp yet."

"Okay fine, we'll go there. But we're not staying long, I don't want you to get hurt by those filthy humans." Tommy just rolled his eyes.


Dream was working on something when he got a request from Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit, they wanted to join the server.

Dream knew them from some events he joined a few months ago and let them in, they'd be a good help for his SMP.


[WilburSoot joined the server]
[TommyInnit joined the server]

"Welcome to the Dream SMP." Was the first thing Tommy heard from behind them.

There was a tall man who was wearing a mask with a smiley face on it; Dream.

Dream showed them and a boy named Tubbo who joined an hour before them around.

And Wilbur thought that maybe, he might actually enjoy being here with Tommy.


That day they made a very simple house in the SMP, they spend the whole day collecting wood, cobblestone and iron. Even if Wilbur could just spawn it in they didn't want people to get suspicious.

In the evening they sat down to make plans. 

"I don't know, Wil, we could just grief and kill them and shit." Tommy sighed.

"That's boring, we have to distract Dream with something a war or I don't know anything. And then we should just like I don't know make a country with some other people."

"A country?" 

"Yeah you know, maybe we can get that Tubbo guy to help."

"But why?"

"Tommy," Wilbur sighed, "Every smp has a story, that's how humans work, they want to be heroes or bad guys. What we need to do is make sure we control the story of this smp."

"That shouldn't be too hard right? I mean you can do whatever you want."

"True, but we don't want them to know that."

"So a country you said, eh?" Tommy asked and Wilbur smiled.


first chapter (:

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