a gods past

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Some interesting shit about Wilburs past.


Wilbur was a little bit too good at playing slowly going insane ex-president and Tommy would've thought it was funny, if it didn't influence the people around them so much.

you see, Technoblade and Tubbo were still on their side, of course, but they had been trying to avoid Wilbur and to extension, Tommy.

Well, only Tubbo really avoided them Technoblade seemed to quite like the new crazy Wilbur who would always praise him for the way he fights for anarchy.

Wilbur thought it was hilarious, seeing Technoblades face light up with idea's when Wilbur was once again telling him how he would take down the Manberg government himself if he had to.

Although, besides all of this Tommy and Wilbur were also confused; Fundy hadn't even tried to join them here, instead supporting Schlatt in everything he did.

His partner at the election, Niki, had joined Pogtopia as soon as she had the chance. Wilbur had been practicing his not-very-good-and-slowly-turning-insane-dad role for Fundy, but the fox never joined.

And Wilbur would be the last admit, that it kinda felt like shit seeing how Fundy never really cared about this whole fake father thing.

It's not like Wilbur cared about Fundy, but he had put effort into that role and the God didn't like his effort not being appreciated.

Now Wilbur and Tommy were talking with Schlatt about the next war, Schlatt's 'death' - because Schlatt didn't have a lot of time to stay here- and blowing up Manberg.

"So blow it up when Schlatt dies?" Wilbur asked and Tommy shook his head, "No, before that you gotta make me president and then I'll make Tubbo president and then u blow shit up."

"Are you sure you're okay with this kiddo?" Schlatt asked ruffling Tommy's hair making Tommy slap his hand away and huff, "I'll be fine, boss man, I kinda want this story to end I miss experimenting with Wil."

Wilbur laughed, "I miss it too, Toms."

Schlatt laughed and stood up, probably to get more alcohol, Tommy moves himself to sit closer to Wilbur and lays his head on Wilburs shoulder.

"Will we be alright?" Tommy asked, sounding smaller than he did when Schlatt was still there.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Tommy." Wilbur answered truthfully and Tommy raised his head to look at Wilbur, "But what if something happens when you're not there to save me?"

"I'll always be here and even if I'm not.. I'll get you out of the void myself." Wilbur whispered and Tommy gave him a confused look, "The.. void?" 

Wilbur sighed, shit he really just said that, "It's where you go when you die, it's a place to spend eternity, it's quite nice." Tommy gave him a small smile, "But don't you have like rules you have to follow?"

Wilbur laughed, "Me? Rules? well, technically yes, but you being here was already something I wasn't allowed to do and no one can stop me. Plus, I made a book a while ago, a revive book and that was allowed so if I revive you with that knowledge it's allowed."

"Who makes rules for the literal God?" Tommy asks, placing his head back on Wilburs shoulder, while ignoring Wilbur just told him about a literal revive book.

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Oh you flatter me, no seriously stop calling the god it feels so official when you say it," Wilbur chuckles and adds, "Life made me a while ago, it's a kind of unexplainable power. She gave me everything I wanted with a single job; watch over her creations. Yes, Tommy I see your look, I didn't create humans I would never I hate them. Anyways she asked me to look over them and gave me some rules, but she can't take away my powers only threaten me."

"That's... weird? Were you her first creation?"

"Yes, yes I was."

"You're so cool." Tommy mumbled and Wilbur laughed, "I don't know about that.." he smiles and says, "Life quite likes you, you know?" Tommy giggles and says, "Of course she does, I'm fucking awesome."

Wilbur thought back to that one day where he had to explain to life why he had made Tommy immortal, made him stop aging after 21 and after a while she had agreed, Tommy wasn't like anyone else and her first creation needed company after all those years left alone. She blessed Tommy with a small part of her powers, but she didn't have a lot to give away.

Now she watched to two, her favourite creations her first and one of her lasts and she knew that they would make sure most of her other creations were okay - so besides the few her first would torture for fun -

Wilbur looked at Tommy, still with his head on Wilburs shoulder and now sleeping.

For the first time ever Wilbur thanked Life for making the horrible things called humans.


Oh? I honestly didn't know where this was going.

Yea this part ends here you won't hear a lot more about life besides maybe some references to this chapter.

okay bye .

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