Chaos pt. 9: Relationship issues might as well be torture

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Didn't think I'd return to this story, but I have gotten a lot more reads lately and I feel bad for abandoning it, so here I am! 

How is everyone? Ready for more torture?

this chapter turned out very different than any chapter ever before and I didn't mean for it to be like this, but I lowkey like it.


It was a well known fact to pretty much everyone that the cutest couple on this server were the fiancees. It was just a fact, something no one doubted.

But everyone also noticed them slightly drift away from each other. 

Wilbur decided to use that, use the fact that Karl barely seemed to remember Quackity and Sapnap was just in the middle of it all again.

"How are we even going to do this Wilbur?" Tommy asked, resting his head on his arms. They were sitting at the table in their house, Schlatt was currently who knows where and Wilbur had just explained his plan to Tommy.

"Like think of gladiatorial combat, we make an arena and let Karl and Quackity fight till death. Then the winner has to fight against Sapnap. And let's be honest, we both know Sapnap will win. While he would probably also the saddest, then we pretend he just won a big price while he just feels guilt and grief. Then we poison him."

"Easy." Tommy rolled his eyes, really the God didn't know anything about what's easy and what obviously isn't easy.

"Sounds fun," Tommy then said and Wilbur laughed, "I know there was a reason why I adopted you, you're just like me!"

"please, god, no." Tommy said and Wilbur laughed, rude fucker.


Even though Tommy had doubted this plan would be 'easy' it actually was pretty easy. They made the arena very quickly and now they were watching Karl and Quackity staring at each other while standing in the middle of the big empty field.

Sapnap was in the stands, all on his own, watching in confusion.

"Hello! Welcome to this more modern version of an gladiatorial combat! Today we have Quackity and Karl." Wilbur's voice carried easily over the pretty much empty arena.

"First I have some words for Karl; All you remember about this man is the fact that he was the one to take one of your lives. It's all his fault. Use your anger, it will help you in this fight."

Quackity was looking at Wilbur with a look of betrayal and anger. What a beautiful mixture.

Karl was looking at Quackity with pure anger and Wilbur almost believed that Karl would win this fight.

"Okay.. 3... 2... 1..."

"Wait!" Schlatt's voice said, "Sorry I'm late, damn can't believe you were gonna do this without me."

Wilbur laughed, "And Start!"

Sapnap watched the fight with a blank face, feeling quite numb while his two fiancees were beating each other till death. He didn't react when Karl punched Quackity so hard that his teeth fell out, or when Quackity made Karl cough up his own blood.

He didn't really feel anything, he knew it was over. He had been locked up for who knows how long. In the time they were locked up Karl had gotten more angry at Quackity everyday, making both him and Quackity confused.

Before he realised Karl was forgetting everything really quickly, he thought Quackity was his murderer.

But he did remember Sapnap.

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