New faces.

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Alyssa is in here, but isn't an important character also i had no idea how to write her so just wrote her like an oc!


"Hey big T!" Tommy said while sprinting up to where Tubbo was standing.

"Oh hi Tommy."

"What are you doing?"

"Someone new is joining the smp.. I wanted to see who."

Alyssa was standing next to them, too now.

Tommy didn't really mind Alyssa even though she was on Dream's side.

"I hope it's another girl I'm done with these guys." She sighed while pointing to where Dream, George and Sapnap were standing.

Nihachu joined the game.

"Seems like it's your lucky day." Wilbur's voice came from behind them, somehow here too now.

"Finally. I'm free." She sighed and looked at the new girl who was looking around confused now.

"She seems nice. Let's say hi." Alyssa said while grabbing Tommy and Tubbo's arms, Wilbur just followed them.

"Oh! Hello." Niki said, still looking around kind of confused.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa." Alyssa said while holding out her hand.

"Niki." She shook Alyssa's hand.

"These are Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur. Dream likes to say they cause all the problems on this smp, but they're fine, really."

"Oh! Eh nice to meet you!" Niki said and they talked for a bit until Alyssa decided it was time to show her around.

"We could get her on our side you know." Wilbur said and Tommy nodded, "Yeah."

Tubbo just looked between them and decided to scearch for Fundy now, because Wilbur and Tommy were talking about things he didn't understand now.


"Okay so what's next?" Tommy asked when he and Wilbur were finally home from a day talking with random people.

"We need more people, more power."

Tommy snorted "You? You need more power?"

Wilbur just rolled his eyes and said "Yes Tommy, I do."

"Okay so we talk to Niki and get her on our side." Tommy said and Wilbur nodded.

"Yeah I'll talk to Niki, you do whatever."


The next day another new person joined the game.

It was a guy named Jack and Tommy decided Jack was cool, so showed him around.

"That's Fundy, he's Wilbur's son. He can do anything and Wilbur won't care. Don't hurt him cause Wilbur will get mad." Tommy pointed and Fundy who was currently breaking Eret's tower.

He knew that what he just said was more about himself than about Fundy.

But Wilbur did really pretend to care about his son, it was just he didn't. He didn't really care about anyone besides Tommy.

"And this is L'manberg, we fought a war for this." Tommy said at the end of his tour and Jack decided to join L'manberg.


"Niki wait!" Wilbur said and Niki turned around.

"Oh hi eh, Wilbur right?"

"Yeah, I had a question."

"What is it?" Niki asked with a smile and honestly this girl did seem so nice.

"Do you have a place to live yet? Me and my friends made this country and we were wondering if-"

"Sure I would love to join! Alyssa told me about the war."

And Wilbur smiled, he had fun on this smp and he was excited to ruin it for everyone.


idk what im doing with this rn tbh i forgot what this story was about so i had to reread it.

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