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Wilbur is back, I'm happy (sors lol) So have a new chapter! also I'm gonna try to go through canon events quick now, so eh yeah enjoy!


Tommy and Wilbur hadn't been doing a lot, only getting some more things that they didn't need but really wanted.

Like a horses, they wanted to be able to travel fast.

Wilbur had been hanging out with Niki a lot, Niki was probably the human - beside Tommy - Wilbur was closest with. Still that didn't mean he actually liked her or was her friend, she was still human.

Tommy and Tubbo had been hanging out with the guy Jack a lot.

Life for once, was good.

Tommy and Tubbo decided to continue the railway Tommy started on months ago, they made it from L'manberg to Tommy's second - summer - house. It was their project, so they wouldn't get bored.

It took a while, but when they finally finished and Tommy decided to test the railway, what he didn't expect to happen was hitting Dream with his minecart.

But he could use this to his adventage.

Tubbo helped him steal all of Dreams stuff.

Dream wanted his stuff back, but Tommy refused to give it back without getting his discs back.

So Dream told him that he could have his discs if Dream could get spirits' leather and Tommy refused.

This broke out a war, again.

Dream tried to kill Tommy and Tubbo while they kept running away.

When Tommy told Wilbur about this new war, Wilbur muttered something under his breath that sounded like, "Risking your life for those stupid discs, atleast your good at acting the whole reckless part."

Tommy just smiled and promised Wilbur that nothing bad would happen and Wil just promised that he would get Tommy out of hell, if he were to die.

That made Tommy laugh and ask, "So hell and heaven are real?"

Wilbur just smirked and answered, "You'll just have to find out kid," seeing Tommy's panicking look he added, "Not that I would let you die."

So the fight continued, both sides failing to kill each other.

In the end Dream and Tommy did trade, but Dream told Tommy Skeppy had the other disc.

And Skeppy refused to give Tommy his disc.

So Tommy refused to give Dream the last few things of his stuff back, like spirit.

Dream just walked away angry and that was the unexpected ending of this, in Tommy's opinion, very borinh war.

Wilbur was just glad Tommy wasn't hurt.


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