Chaos pt.3: Q&A time.

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My dutch teacher: We're gonna work on our writing today... Me: *Casually opens wattpad and starts writing in english*

this chapter is a lot of crack treated very seriously.

Also Callahan the beloved will survive this cause he doesn't really have lore, besides appearing in it and because I said he will.


The next day Wilbur and Tommy came back, Schlatt shouting that he would come later. Wilbur had sighed, Schlatt was okay, but he did prefer it being just him and Tommy.

When they arrived Wilbur laughed at the sight, Tommy looked confused for a moment before laughing too.

Everyone was shivering in their own box, no way to get a bit warmer. It was funny, honestly.

When they noticed Wilbur and Tommy, Wilbur looked at them and shrugged, "Sorry forgot tempertures change."

"You- you forgot?" Quackity asked and Wilbur nodded, "Yep."

"Aren't you supposed to be like- a god? You would've been able to make it warmer."  Fundy spoke up for the first time.

Wilbur looked at him, his eyes slightly glowing. "You, my son, should stop mocking me."

"I was never your son." Fundy said and Wilbur shrugged, "That's true, but i still took care of you until you decided to burn down Schlatt's L'manberg flag."

"Anyone said my name?" Schlatt asked, appearing behind Tommy.

"Hey Schlatt." Wilbur said before turning back to Fundy, "You always pretend that I betrayed you, but you were the person who went against everything I believe in, fought a war against me. Even after I gave you a free pass from the war."

When Wilbur was done talking he noticed Fundy wasn't looking at him, but at Schlatt now. "I- I was w-wondering yesterday.. Am I allowed to ask questions?" Fundy asked, suddenly seeming a lot more nervous after remembering the day prior.

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Sure go on."

"Why is Schlatt alive.. Why are you guys friends?"

"Have you ever heard of acting, Fundy? You all were just part of a little story. Our story, Dream tried to start one, but he failed." Wilbur shot a dirty look at Dream, who flinched and looked at the ground nervously.

"Any more questions... Might aswell answer them, since you guys will die anyways, so you can't do anything with the answer."

"You sick fuck." he heard someone mutter, not recognizing the voice, but also not caring enough.

"Really? No questions.. and here I thought you would be interested in me, not a lot of people get the chance to ask me anything they want to."

Everyone seemed to try and get away from Wilbur, their back hitting the walls behind them.

"Oh please, your questions won't make the torture worse. Stop being such pussies." 

Techno sighed, being one of the only wants who seemed to be fine with the idea of death right now, "Okay sure, why did you invite me and Phil?"

"Well- it wasn't to have a reason to kill you, I don't need one, actually thought about leaving you guys alone here but you hurt Tommy when I blew up L'manberg." Wilbur said and then Tommy spoke up, "I asked Wil to invite you and Wilbur needed someone who he could convince to murder him for the plot, you know? So he thought of Philza. You would've refused and he couldn't make me do it, because it didn't fit the character."

"W-why Tommy? W-what does Tommy have to offer?" Wilbur looked around the audience to see who was talking, but then realised it came from behind him. He raised an eyebrow, "Really Dream? You would've preferred i pick you?"

"N-no it's just- the stories-"

"The stories say I hate everyone?" Wilbur asked and everyone nodded, "Well the 'stories' were talking about 16 years ago. That's all you need to know."

"Why kill everyone? I tried to help him." Quackity said and Wilbur scoffed, "Arguing with Tubbo and shouting 'no!' a couple of times is barely helping. Besides, no one even tried to make sure he was okay in exile, no one tried to visit him. Also if I only killed some of you others would get mad at me, decide they can't hurt me and end up hurting Tommy. Can't let that happen."

Everyone seemed to think about what Wilbur just said.

"I just wanna kill some of you today, but I'm not in the mood to make a show. So let's just do some people I don't really give a fuck about." Wilbur sighed and everyone looked around, trying to figure out who would die next.

Wilbur waved his hands and a few boxes dissapeared. "Yes, they died, no you won't get to see the bodies... Tomorrow I'll continue the torture. These people weren't worth my effort , though. They never did anything so yeah."

"Who were they?" Niki asked and Wilbur looked at her, she had actually seemed okay for a while, but he saw how she blamed his death on Tommy.

"Hbomb, Connor, Puffy, Skeppy, Purpled and Ponk." Wilbur said and he was about to turn and leave when he heard Fundy say, "Why pretend to be my dad?"

"I never pretended, the adoption was real in this smp. I gave you a family and a place to live and you betrayed all of us."

"You never cared about me."

"I didn't, but I tried to be an okay dad, even with my fucked up persona." Wilbur said and Fundy raised an eyebrow, "Well it didn't work."

"It didn't."

"You're a shit father."

"He's not." Tommy said to Fundy and Fundy turned quiet before whispering, "He's your brother right?"

"He's whatever he wants to be, I officially adopted him, even from my mother somehow. That was a weird process, by the way." Wilbur said looking at Tommy.

"Anyways, you were always my Mother's child, she doesn't like you, though." Wilbur said before continuing, "All of you are, but you're just numbers to her really."

"Way to make them feel special, Wilbur." Schlatt laughed and Wilbur just responded, "That's what im good at."

"Well see you guys tomorrow for more fun." Wilbur said and he teleported Tommy and Schlatt away with him once again.


They are to life what we are to content creators, numbers. /hj?


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