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Hi! Just wanna say this story will have most canon events in it, but it might be with different people. Also I might let some people join the server earlier or later than they do in canon. And events might be closer/ further away from each other than in canon!

Dream has been feeling weird ever since the new guys joined the server. Like he doesn't know something important about them.

There's one thing Dream hates; not knowing people in his smp. It's dangerous and can be a cause for wars or other things Dream isn't ready for.

They also have been working on something right outside the lands of the Dream smp.

He had to get them back in his power.

.. But how?


Tommy had been talking to Tubbo a lot, trying to make friends who might help him and Wilbur. Tubbo was really nice and became a real friend to Tommy, which Wilbur didn't really like but it was OK.

Tommy and Tubbo had been hunting mobs in the night, even getting a few discs. Including Mellohi and Cat, Tommy really liked these. When the sun came up Tommy and Tubbo sat down on a bench listening to the discs. They didn't noticed that they were being watched by a certain masked man.


The one thing Wilbur hated most about joining a smp is having to socialize. The second worse thing was having to find a way to fit into the story without anyone finding out who he was. 

Yes, they were going to start a country, but how? He needed a plan. You can't just suddenly make a country 'because'.

He needed to start with something small, a small business or something like that. But what could he sell? Food? everyone had enough of that. Ores? too much work.


That was easy to get and make, even without his powers. He knew some potions no one else knows.

He also knew some people in this smp might be interested in that, like that one Sapnap dude.


When Tommy quite literally let himself fall on the chair next to him, Wilbur looked up and raised an eyebrow. 

"Meeting people is boring." Tommy said and Wilbur laughed.

"I agree."



"Can you teach me how to act..? I really need it, if we want everyone to believe us."

And Wilbur was shocked, because he had tried so many times before to get Tommy to let him learn to Tommy acting.

"Ofcourse." Wilbur answered casually and then he added, "Do you have any people beside Tubbo that can help us make a country?"

"I was thinking about Alyssa," Tommy said, "but she's too close to Dream."

"Maybe that Eret guy could help us, he's not really close to anyone."

"Yeah, you talk to him. I'll try to distract Dream."

Wilbur sighed, "Okay I will."

Dream had been spying on Tommy and Tubbo, those two had become close fast. They had been hunting almost every night and when the sun started to rise they would sit down and listen to either Cat or Mellohi.

Those disc seem to mean a lot to Tommy.

That's something he could use.


Tommy was making another house on the ugly railway he made before. Wilbur didn't mind, it was a way to distract Tommy and in the end they could always use more space.

He also had a pet cow now, the cow's name was Henry. Wilbur thought it was funny that out of all the animals Tommy could choose he chose a cow. Henry fitted good with the character Tommy made for himself, you can always see them running around together and somehow the cow matches Tommy's energy level.

Tommy made his character be this kind of loud annoying boy who just irritates everyone -even Tubbo walks away from him sometimes- but Wilbur. No one but Tommy and Wilbur knew how Wilbur could just always put up with Tommy.

Wilbur thought Tommy's character was funny, it was very close to the Tommy he knew, just a little louder.

Wilbur decided to go for a more likeable character, atleast for now. His character was pretty grown up and knew what he wanted to fight for, but Wilbur had already planned out his arc's with Tommy.

The character Wilbur decided to play would become manipulative and insane. Wilbur explained everything to Tommy and Tommy promised that he would let Wilbur 'manipulate' him until a certain point.

The rest of the smp didn't even know that really their whole story on this smp was already planned out by a god and a teenager.

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