Chaos pt5. Bulls and memories

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Wilbur walked into Tommy's room, he wanted Tommy to come with him today. He knew, however, that the chance that Tommy actually came with him was small.

"Hey, Toms." Wilbur said to the boy, who just woke up.

"Hey, Wilby." Tommy said, rubbing his eyes, probably trying to get them to focus.

"It's Tubbo's turn today, wanna come?"

Tommy froze, did he want to come? Tubbo did screw him over and honestly the boy deserved it.

"You know what, fine." Tommy said and Wilbur smiled.

He teleported Tommy to an open field with him and Tommy looked at him with curiosity, "So what are you gonna do?"

Wilbur smirked, "Brazen bull."

Tommy just stared at him before asking, "Brazen bull?"

"Yeah. We lock him inside a bronze bull and then roast him with fire, ancient greece loved this torture method, they would watch for hours, loving the way screaming humans sound like an angry bull." Wilbur said and then he quickly added, "And I know you hate blood."

Tommy just nodded, but Wilbur could practically hear him thanking Wilbur over and over again in his head for not having to look at blood.

Wilbur hugged Tommy and teleported Tubbo to them, already stuck inside a bronze bull.

"This won't take that long," Wilbur assured Tommy when Tommy suddenly looked unsure. He made a fire below the bull and pretty quickly the screams of Tubbo followed.

Tommy seemed intrigued, "It really does sound like an angry bull." He said, liking this more than he thought he would.

Wilbur noticed Tommy's fascination with this torture method and quickly healed Tubbo, just so Tommy could enjoy this longer.

But eventually the fun had to end, Tubbo's screams died out and Wilbur vanished the whole bull, looking at Tommy for some kind of sign of disgust. He saw nothing, he only saw fascination.

That's how he knew he got the right person to trust with everything, Tommy didn't get disgusted by him, he even found Wilburs' most awful sides fascinating, looked up to them. Tommy's loyalty was never ending and that made his son? so perfect for him, for his fucked up family.

"Wanna see another one?" Wilbur said and Tommy looked at him, "Ofcourse."

Wilbur teleported them to his next victim, Ranboo.

Wilbur didn't really know a lot about Ranboo, beside the fact that he was the only person who really could've stopped Tommy from being in exile, alone. He could've atleast taken part of the blame.

"Ranboo?" Wilbur heard Tommy's voice and Ranboo up from the floor to look at Tommy.

"Why, Wilbur why?" Tommy said and Wilbur turned to him, not quite understanding Tommy right now.

"What- what have I done?"

"You're killing a guy who literally did nothing!" Tommy said and Wilbur nodded, "Exactly! He did nothing, he could've taken the blame for you, he is guilty too after all."

"Wilbur- I took the blame because I wanted to! Don't blame Ranboo for that." Tommy said and Wilbur seemed to just go over all his options for a moment.

"It's okay, Tommy. He's right, I deserve this." Ranboo whispered and Wilbur's eyes turned to him, and Wilbur sighed, "Tommy- I-"

"Wilby, please."

"GODDAMNIT." Wilbur shouted sending a force of energy to the wall, making Tommy look around for the first time.

The walls were made out of stone, there was no furniture, pretty boring.

Wilburs' powers made small cracks in the wall and Ranboo covered his head with his hands, obviously scared of the god in this state.

Tommy, however, wasn't scared at all. He just walked to Wilbur and hugged him.

Wilbur just stared at Tommy and after a while he whispered, "Ever since I met you I've felt weak, just because now I have a weakness. You, Tommy, are my only weakness. I would burn this earth down for you, if you asked me.

I want to protect you with everything I have and people knowing your identity, my 'undercover' identity, would be a danger. I used to not give a shit, but I wanna keep you save. That's why I'm killing everyone here, they know who you are and they could use that against us. I don't know what I would do if they used you against me. So please- Tommy just understand I don't want to hurt you with this, I just wanna keep you safe."

"I know, Wilby." Tommy sighed and seemed to think for a moment before saying, "Ranboo is a good guy, though, please just this once, I don't care about the rest."

Ranboo had been listening to the whole conversation in confusion and absolute happiness, if he were to die now he knew he had atleast someone who stood up for him.

"Okay here is what I can do," Wilbur muttered and looked at Ranboo, "This is for you, too, Ranboo. You'll get to pick in the end."

Ranboo nodded.

"Okay so; I can either kill you, peacefully, no pain nothing, mom will take you back and shift you into another of her creatures or I can let you live, walk out of here now, you'll have memory loss problems for a bit to not know enough to tell anyone about us, but eventually it will get better and you'll be able to just live.

I'll allow Tommy to visit you, pretend he's just a normal friend." Wilbur said and Ranboo seemed to think about his options.

Tommy whispered, "Thankyou, " To Wilbur and Wilbur just smiled at him.

"How long would it take your mother to shift me into another creature?" Ranboo asked and Wilbur said, "Around 3 years, she's a busy woman. You won't remember a lot, though. You just get flashes of this life."

Ranboo sighed and said, "I'll take the memory loss."

Wilbur snapped his fingers and Ranboo's world turned dark.


I Wanted Wilbur to be the explanation for Ranboo's memory loss in here.

Sorry this is a bit rushed, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter anyways <3


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