Start of pogtopia.

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The election went exactly as planned; Schlatt won with the help from Quackity and immediatly exiled Wilbur and Tommy.

The preperations of the election were fun, too, and wilbur had laughed when his 'son' had entered with Niki.

Wilbur, Tommy and Schlatt had played their roles perfectly, Wilbur playing the mad ex-president, Tommy playing the confused-but-sad little brother/vice-president, and Schlatt the crazy new president.

They hadn't invited Technoblade, deciding it was a better idea to invite him later with a purpose.

At the end of the day they had come together and talked a bit joking around.

Schlatt loved seeing Wilbur and Tommy's dynamic, he saw them both as friends and even while he knew Wilbur didn't really think of him like a friend, rather like one of the less- boring humans, he didn't mind.

Wilbur had stopped despising Schlatt's presence, but he didn't welcome it like he did with Tommy's presence.

They were a weird group and everyone else would see them as only enemy's, but like this together just talking they all had fun.

Even if Wilbur would deny it forever.


The next day they had found the ravine and Wilbur had thought it was perfect, Tommy also absolutely loved the idea of living in a ravine and so they made their base there.

The first people to join them were ofcourse Tubbo and Niki, both had been outraged with Schlatt's decision much to the amusement of Wilbur.

Tubbo felt a little guilty, because he had accepted to work for Schlatt and Schlatt even began calling Tubbo his son.

Wilbur and Tommy had shrugged it off, saying it wasn't a big problem.

Schlatt would probably laugh when they told him about this.

They quickly made the ravine home, it was easy.

both Niki and Tubbo weren't too fond on living in a hotel, so they apologised and told them they would keep living in L'manberg.

Tommy had jokingly said "Imagine how they would react if we told them we lived in a whole other universe."

Wilbur had ruffled his hair and told him to kindly shut up while laughing, making Tommy scowl.

Schlatt had come down the ravine that same evening wanting to check out the place.

He had told Wilbur to not make safety railings for the stairs, because it would be funny to see people fall to their death.

Wilbur agreed and Tommy laughed.

Wilbur had noticed that Tommy seemed happier lately, more so than in the smp where they met Techno and Wilbur was glad.

Even if seeing Tommy with Tubbo sometimes hurt, because humans just can't seem to make friends without ending up hurting them.

And Wilbur wasn't ready for Tubbo to hurt Tommy.

He would probably give Tubbo the slowest death yet; and that said something because he had killed a lot of people.


Pogtopia slowly started getting bigger and Wilbur loved it, making sure another war would happen, but this time Tommy wouldn't be in danger.

Because Wilbur won't let Tommy get in danger again.

He would kill anyone on this smp if he had to, but Tommy would remain safe.

He was looking forward to this war.



I just wrote for 3 hours straight.

It's really tiring.


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