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Tommy had in fact not been enjoying exile so far, Wilbur had only been able to spend a couple of days with him and once he left Dream started visiting.

Dream would always explode all his stuff, claiming that he was the only one who still cared about Tommy. Now, Tommy knew all about manipulating- he had seen how Wilbur worked with other people. - So he wasn't falling for it, but pretended he was. Which meant he tried to look weak, looked like he trust Dream.

That wasn't a good decision- Dream started torturing him, almost killing him only to heal him again and then do it all over again.

Tommy couldn't wait for the big gathering that would be soon.

After a few days of literal torture Wilbur came back and he wasn't happy with what he saw. Tommy was sitting in his tent, staring into the distance cuts and bruises all over his body. Wilbur didn't even have to ask what happend- he knew this was gonna happen and still he left Tommy alone.

"Wilby?" Tommy spoke, giving Wilbur a small smile.

"Toms," Wilbur breathed and hugged the boy, "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone here. I'm gonna fucking kill Dr-"

"Woah, calm down, it's okay big man." Tommy said with a smile and Wilbur looked at him, with a raised eyebrow.

"He was just you know trying to manipulate me," Tommy said at Wilbur's look he added, "I didn't fall for it of course, but I pretended I am."

"Okay- okay. I'll wait with payback let's make invitations now." Wilbur sighed and Tommy nodded.


Wilbur went to everyone with his Ghostbur persona, inviting them to 'Tommy's big beach party!' Everyone immediatly agreed to come, even if they didn't like Tommy, they were just curious about what exile was like.

Wilbur returned in the evening telling Tommy everyone would be there and no one would survive that 'party'.

Tommy seemed to think about it before nodding, he was gonna tell Wilbur to save people like Niki- who did nothing- but we all know that Wilbur would kill them later anyways.

It's less effort to just let him do it now.

"Now you," Wilbur said giving Tommy a look, "Should get some rest, while I" He dramatically pointed at himself making Tommy giggle, "Make this shitty place look somewhat okay."

Tommy seemed like he wanted to look offended at Wilbur calling his place shit, but looked around and realised that Wilbur was probably right.

"You'll be here when I'm awake?" Tommy asked and Wilbur ruffled his hair, "Yeah, it seems like I can't leave you alone without you almost dying."

"I can take care of myself!"

"Sure, child, go to sleep."

Tommy huffed, but didn't say anything back.

Wilbur looked at Tommy's wounds and went into creative mode, Tommy who was still looking at Wilbur looked confused, but not scared. Wilbur wouldn't hurt him.

Wilbur got some healing potions and gave some to Tommy, he lifted his hand and put it over some open cuts and they closed.

"This is the best I can do until I have full access to everything at home." Wilbur said and Tommy nodded, "Thanks, Will."

"You're welcome, Toms."

Tommy went to sleep and Wilbur went to build, making this place look okay.

He placed chairs all over the small beach and made the beach a bit bigger too, he placed cakes, put some floaties in the water and made one big table. He wanted to place a beacon, but decided that that would only make Tommy's exile worse after this.

He froze, right killing everyone, he smiled and placed a lot of beacons in different colours, colour patterns and really whatever you could come up with around the place, making it look more like a light show.

"Perfect," Wilbur muttered and turned around to go to Tommy's tent. Tommy was laying there, asleep. Wilbur sat down next to him and smiled, he couldn't wait to hurt people for what they did to Tommy.


Tommy woke up and felt a hand playing with his hair, that's a lot better than the torture he went through every morning.

"mh.. Hello, Wilby." Tommy muttered and he heard Wilbur laugh softly behind him, "Goodmorning, child."

"What's the plan for today, big man?" Tommy asked looking up at Wilbur for the first time that day.

"Well, this evening everyone is coming- and I suspect Dream is gonna come before that to like get mad at you-" Tommy tensed up.

"No, Tommy, I'm not gonna let him hurt you. I would never, besides even if only 'Ghostbur' was here he wouldn't hurt you, somehow he is too fond of that annoying ghost." Tommy relaxed and laughed, "That's true."

Wilbur had been right, Dream had come through the portal shouting, "TOMMY!" Only to realise Ghostbur was there and say, "I'm so glad you found a way to get everyone together, while still following your exile rules."

Tommy smiled at him and said, "Yeah Ghostbur gave me the idea." But Wilbur could see the fear in his eyes and he went to give Dream a long, excited overview of all the good things that would happen this evening, in his Ghostbur persona.

Dream seemed to get annoyed but also look at him fondly somehow, Wilbur saw Tommy trying to hold back his laugh behind Dream and smiled at him.

"You see, Tommy here is my favourite person, so i decided to help him a bit. I hate to see him sad, you know?" Wilbur ended his speech with that sentence and he saw a flash of anger and jealousy flash on Dreams' face, before it turned to the fake-happy expression again. "Well I'm glad you did, Tommy needs it."

And with one more weird look, this time at all the beacons in the background, he left this place.

As soon as he was away, Tommy hugged Wilbur, thanking him for 'making the asshole jealous' Wilbur just laugh, "I was just telling him the truth, you know?"

Now Tommy smiled and Wilbur could see the slight blush on his face. Tommy looked around and changed the subject, "Beacons, huh? Won't people question that?"

Wilbur nodded, "They will, but it doesn't matter cause they're not gonna live long enough to actually ask any questions about it."

Tommy laughed and Wilbur just looked at the boy.

Yeah- today was gonna be amazing.


Next chapter is ehh.. a lot of chaos...?

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