big boom

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Tommy's POV... finally. Lore was... yeah. fun?


Tommy had seen Wilbur run away. He still didn't know what to think of the fact that Wilbur had just given him the note and hadn't said anything prior to that, but he chose to ignore this, he could never be mad at Wilbur. 

Instead he decided to focus at the end of Tubbo's speech, he was proud of his kind-off-bestfriend really. Even though he knew the place would be gone soon.

"I think we should start by taking down my execution decorations-" Tubbo said and Tommy agreed immediatly, helping the boy he had begun to see as an actual friend. 

Oh god, Wilbur hated the fact that he saw Tubbo as a friend.

They broke down the decorations and Tommy congratulated Tubbo and Tubbo asked him to be his vice-president, expected to be honest.

It was all fun for a while, but Tommy was just counting down in his head, how long would Wilbur take?

Everyone was apologizing for their past actions and Tommy decided he should just enjoy, now that he still could.

It would only be a few minutes until all of this peace was over after all.

He even made fun of Dream and his team for a bit, knowing that nothing would happen to him. Wilbur would protect him even if he wasn't physically here right now.


"Dream was the traitor thing just bullshit?" Tommy decided to ask, just because even if he didn't like hurting people it was still to kind of emotionally manipulate them into thinking there was no traitor like this. He just hoped Dream would answer like he thinks Dream will.

"Oh no, no. There was a traitor." Fuck, Tommy wanted to punch Dream in the face right now, but he calmed himself down and went with a shocked scream, "What?" instead.

He heard many people shout the same thing.

"Well they missed their fucking chance now haven't they?" Tommy said and Dream the asshole said, "No, no, no they haven't."

Tommy decided to just say, "Was it fucking George?" as a joke, hopefully that would lighten the mood.

Nobody could know he knew about Wilbur's betrayal.

And, suprisingly, it worked everyone laughed and started shouting random jokes about George.

And then..

Philza joined and Tommy smiled a bit before shouting, "What the fuck!"

Show time.


Technoblade killed Tubbo and Tommy looked around like he didn't know exactly what was happening.

Technoblade didn't know that Tommy knew this was gonna happen, so he would have to act.

"You guys listen to me! I did not spend WEEKS planning this revolution, giving you guys gear, for you guys to go in and replace one tyrrant with another. Don't you see what's happening here? Don't you see history is repeating itself? You think Schlatt was the cause of your problems? No! It was government! Power corrupts."

"Wait- What the fuck are you saying?" Fundy shouted and Tommy breathed in slowly and said, "Techno," 

Everyone's confused shouts drowned his words and he paused before starting louder this time, "Technoblade!"

Only for a whole fight to start, well there went his plan of holding a whole speech, maybe later. 

For now, he would just run, he went on top of a roof and stayed there. He didn't really attack anyone.

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