Chaos pt.7: Starvation and quiet

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What starvation must feel like, Wilbur could only imagine. He had no need for food; only ate it when he wanted or needed to look human in front of others. 

One of the many perks of being immortal, Wilbur mused, but that didn't mean that others wouldn't be able to suffer with no food.

He had heard the story of the mother punishing her daughter by starving her, only giving water to her daughter until she finally died of starvation after a few weeks, she was convinced that she also punished herself enough for the 'gods' to forgive her: hearing the silent pleads of her daughter who could barely move was a punish no one quite wanted.

Wilbur hated the story, the mother was such an ignorant lady, thinking that she- as a pitful human- could decide for herself if she was punished enough for a sin.

Yet, this story did make Wilbur buy a shit ton more food to make sure Tommy couldn't even come close to starving, he didn't want to ever feel hunger as long as he was in Wilburs care.

And now, this story gave him a new idea.

It was fun to be involved in torture, but Wilbur was kinda done with the cutting and blood by now, so if he was able to torture people for weeks without a lot of personal involvement, he wouldn't say no.

So that was why he made this place, 3 sound proof rooms, with barely any colour beside white. The only thing that was a slightly different colour was a little water tap. These rooms would be the houses of Niki, Eret and Jack. All of them blamed Tommy for various things he had nothing to do with.

Or well- Jack and Niki did, Eret just took away a canon life by exploding the room Tommy was in when he betrayed L'manberg.

The rooms were white and soundproof because it made the experience worse, locking people in rooms that were totally white and soundproof was psychological torture- normally people would still feed them, white rice, but Wilbur wasn't planning on doing that.

He just liked the mix of physical and emotional pain.

He led all of them to their room personally, rolled his eyes at their pleas and took great enjoyment in the last demands that they did nothing wrong.

It was the same with everyone.

"Wil- please- Tommy did-" Niki started her sentence, being the last one to get locked up.

"Tommy did what?" Wilbur asked, a smirk on his face when Niki realised that blaming even more on Tommy was a wrong move right now.

"Tommy- well- he did- nevermind." Niki whispered, tears staining her face, she turned walking to a corner in the room and sitting down in the last room she would see in her life.

Wilbur just laughed, "That's what I thought." then he turned around and walked towards the door of the room, stopping in the doorway.

"By the way, Niki, I'm quite dissapointed in you. You seemed to be one of the humans I could actually deal with." Wilbur said and Niki looked at him in shock, "I- I mean I didn't really do anything." She shrugged and Wilbur just shook his head, "You will have enough time to think about what happens when you blame everything on a literal teenager before you die."

Niki just stared at the ground, refusing to look at him again.

"Mom quite hates child abuse, she won't give you a nice place after life. Isn't it weird how life decides your faith after death?" Wilbur mused and Niki just shook her head, "I didn't abuse a child, though."

"You did blame all your problems on a child, only because he was the easiest option, with him already being hurt." Wilbur said and then he walked away, not saying anything else. The door slammed shut behind him and Niki was alone.

How long exactly a human survives is different with everyone, most scientist guess that it's somewhere around 2 months.

Niki felt like she was dying after the first two weeks, her body had never felt this weak before. She was always sipping water to try and make her hunger a little less, but really it only made it worse. 

If she ever thought she was hungry before, it was nothing like this. She was laying in the middle of the big room, quietly talking to herself, trying to remember what's it like to talk to other people, but all she had was herself. 

Her voice didn't quite fill the room like other noises she never noticed before did. She missed the quiet ticking of a clock or the bird noises in the background.

The silence made her mind go wild.

She knew that these type of rooms were dangerous if you were in it for longer than a day, she had always scoffed, saying that it would be a good feeling to just be in total silence for a while.

How wrong she had been.

Eret was dealing with the whole situation a bit better, they also talked to themselves and their stomach felt like it was slowly eating itself, but generally they had enough to think about, enough regrets to not totally lose his grip on reality.

They were pretty excited for death, their mother had always told them that death was just the next big adventure and now with an empty stomach and no one else to fill this quiet room, they couldn't wait to finally just pass.

Jack dealt with the whole situation in a different way. The first day was spend singing random songs, to just fill the quiet room. After that he started to walk around, trying to stretch his legs, still singing.

His voice filled the quiet room, constantly switching up songs and even when his stomach was slowly consuming itself and his voice started getting softer from a sore throat he didn't stop- beside the small water breaks, that were slowly becoming more frequent.

He missed human interaction, missed small sounds, but atleast he was able to fill the room with some type of sound.

The echo wasn't that bad, but it was enough to hear himself really well, have a sound in the room, ignore his ears slowly being able to hear his heartbeat.

He sang through it all, until one day he couldn't. His voice refused to do anything and he died in a silence room, just like the other two.

Wilbur's mother took the three souls back, giving two of them a new chance at life, the third one she banished into a big haunted house, an orphanage, full of abused crying children.

Maybe that would change her views on teenagers.


Idk what this is- Sorry for the wait! 

I had a fever and then my testweek and then my tennis elbow started hurting too much to type 1k words in one sitting.

eh I'm back though? Hi.

and bye?

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