Chaos pt1: speeches and Life

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I'm gonna make a few chapters, each for different persons! This is just a... general start!

Everyone was gathered here now, on Tommy's little beach, Wilbur had heard Niki shout about how Tommy must've stolen all the beacons, because there was no way someone like Tommy would actually put effort into something like this. People around her agreed and Wilbur couldn't wait to kill them.

"You're really doing this?" Tommy asked and Wilbur nodded, "They can't just get away with hurting you. They deserve it and I can't wait."

Tommy hugged Wilbur and Wilbur hugged him back immediatly.

"You wanted to do a speech right?" Wilbur asked and Tommy nodded against Wilbur's chest.

Wilbur laughed, let go of Tommy and raised his hands, making a stage emerge from the ground, Tommy gasped and looked at Wilbur.

"Since when can Tommy do redstone?" Wilbur heard Technoblade shout.

He would've glared at the man, if there hadn't been a stage between them now.

"You're coming with me right?" Tommy nodded his head towards the stage. 

"You won't lose me this easily, you'll have to try harder, Toms."

"I don't want to lose  you, Wil."

Tommy looked so genuine and Wilbur's heart- did he even have a heart? He would have to look sometime - melted on spot.

"Let's go, kiddo." He responded, ruffling Tommy's haid and Tommy muttered something like, "Not a kid." But grabbed Wilbur's arm and went towards the stage anyways.

"Wait hold up!" Wilbur said and he made himself transaparent. Tommy looked at him and said, "Ah, the ghost effect."

Wilbur laughed and nodded and Tommy pulled him onto the stage with him. 

Everyone looked at Tommy and when he walked to the microphone.

"Hey guys..." He said and Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Okay, so I know this. This isn't what you expected, but Ghostbur gave me this idea and since someone exiled me but I still wanna be part of this server I decided to make an event. I spent days here trying to get things only to lose them again, until finally I had all of this. I wanted to make this event special, unlike any other events and I hope you all will listen when I ask you to, please not fight too much." No one but Wilbur heard the little whispered 'back' between the words fight and too. 

"I know usually I'm good at speeched- but I don't know what to say. I'm dissapointed I guess, really Tubbo, Dream? Exiling someone to the middle of no where! Dream, you really are a pussy, blowing up my shit over and over again? Are you scared of me getting to strong? I'm a fucking teenager!" Tommy shouted, Wilbur whispered, "Calm, Toms. It'll be okay." and ruffled Tommy's hair again. Tommy nodded and let himself calm down.

Meanwhile the audience was looking at Ghostbur in shock, the ghost had never act like this before. They shrugged it off pretty quickly though, knowing how close Tommy and Wilbur had been since the start of this SMP.

"Anyways, today is about peace. No more fights, no being angry on my behalf, just fun. And I believe you guys will have a lot of fun. Now before we start Ghostbur wanted to do a speech."

Now everyone was actually confused, the ghost had never liked talking to a lot of people at once and now he was giving a speech to the whole SMP? Something felt wrong about this.

"Thankyou, Tommy." Wilbur said in his Ghostbur speech and Tommy giggled and nodded, "You all know me, my past self. You probably know my past self better than I do, since I tend to forget about bad memories and I want to remember today, so let this day be a good day."

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