Chaos pt.6 RATS

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Wilbur, well he hated wasting his time. So now he was staring at two names on his list, who he honestly didn't have enough energy for.

The two names were Bad and Ant.

Yes, they deserved a painful death, but honestly? He didn't want to spend time on them, he missed the free days he used to have with Tommy. 

When he asked Tommy and Schlatt for inspiration Tommy had just shrugged while Schlatt had smirked and said, "Let me handle it, just give me some rats."

Wilbur smirked too, he knew exactly what Schlatt was gonna do. He gave Schlatt the rats he needed and an cage that would automatically heat up. 

"Does that even work on bad, being a weird demon and all?" Tommy asked and Wilbur just laughed, "It's special rats, Toms. They will make it even more painful. Besides their powers to eat anything I also teached them to eat the body in such a way that it would avoid places that would immediatly kill them."

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Right, you think everything through." 

Tommy had been a lot more happy, but also sarcastic since the Ranboo situation, he visited Ranboo a couple of time, finding the memory loss hilarious. 

Tommy also became a lot more annoying, but Wilbur lowkey loved this new happier Tommy.

"Of course I do, It's important to get good revenge for my favourite child." Wilbur chuckled and Tommy glared at him. Schlatt just laughed and interrupted them, "As much as I love seeing you both annoy eachother, could you tp me, Wil?" 

"Oh- yeah forgot about that." Wilbur said and Tommy laughed at him, "You forgot something, you absolute loser."

"Oh, fuck off."

"Wilbur- please." Schlatt said and Wilbur nodded and teleported Schlatt away quickly before looking at Tommy saying, "You are the worst person I've met."

Tommy just laughed before saying, "Just admit you love me." 

"I don't."

"That sounds like something someone who does would say."

"You are so lucky I didn't kill you yet."

"You wouldn't, like I said you love me too much."

Wilbur sighed dramatically, "You're so right, oh dear son of mine, I would never. My love for you is too big." Then he put a hand on his heart, "If only you loved your dad just as much."

"I don't." Tommy said and Wilbur laughed before he ruffled Tommy's hair.

"Sometimes I forget I never adopted you for real." Wilbur said and Tommy nodded, "I do too, but at the same time you don't really feel like a dad, more like that fun uncle."

Wilbur totally ignored Tommy calling him a fun uncle, instead saying, "What would you think about me adopting you for real?"

Tommy's head snapped up, "Are you for real?"

"Of course- I mean it's a whole process and like a ritual that my mom has to do for you to like fit in the family and ofcourse you still won't get your powers until your old enough but-"

"Wilbur- shut up, I would love it if you adopt me for real." Tommy said and Wilbur just stared at him, like he couldn't believe what he just heard, "Really? I mean- it's hard to yknow be in a family of Gods-"

"Shut up Wilbur, your god complex is slowly fading." Tommy said.

"It's not a complex if it's real you fucking gremlin." Wilbur said and Tommy just laughed, "Sure."

Wilbur rolled his eyes.


Ant and Bad were scared, they had heard others scream while dying and they weren't prepared for their turn.

Everytime Wilbur came to just make fun of them they would sit there shaking in fear.

Well, let's just say this might be worse.

They had just been sitting in their cage? When they heard Schlatt's laugh and a couple of rats squeaking. 

"Hey guys!" Schlatt said happily and then added, "Sorry that Wilbur can't be here, he wanted some private time with Tommy. So I'm here for your death instead. I hope you don't mind too much?"

They both shook their head, more in fear than anything else.

"So like you see I have some rats, do you want me to explain what's gonna happen before we start?" Schlatt asked.

Honestly, Ant and Bad could've guessed, but still they nodded.

"Okay so we have this cage, it warms up, you know? Burning the rats. We will place in on your abdomen and when it gets too hot the rats will want to get out so they will try to make holes in the only soft material around them, in this case your skin." Schlatt explained and then he added, "Oh, Wilbur trained these rats, by the way, they will make sure you live as long as possible and feel as much pain as possible."

Schlatt laughed at the pure fear on their faces and asked, "Anyone wanna be first?" To both Schlatt and Bad's suprise Ant said "I'll go first."

Schlatt nodded and placed a rat on his abdomen before covering it with the cage.

"Oh, the cage might burn your skin, too. We didn't really make anything that will stop it from burning your skin."

He put the cage on, making it slowly burn and fairly quickly Ant began to scream, Schlatt could see blood streaming down the sides of the cage and might even seen a rat move under Ants skin, gross.

"You're making such a mess." Schlatt said, staring to the blood on the floor, Ant however didn't respond as he was still screaming and sobbing.

When Schlatt got bored of just hearing Ant screams he repeated the process with Bad.

the two screamed for a while, leaving a whole puddle of blood on the floor, but neither of them seem to really die somehow. 

In the end Schlatt saw the rats slowly leaving the bodies on the sides, covered in blood and stuck pieces of organs.

They seemed like little murder weapons and really, they were. 

Overall, both Schlatt,  and Wilbur and Tommy enjoyed their days.

Bad and Ant did not, but who really cares?

Why have a good last day when you can have a bad one instead, Wilbur used to say and Schlatt agreed, either way it would be your end.


Hope this is a good mix of fluff and torture for you guys.

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