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Hi! This is a small chapter just telling the story of how Wilbur met Tommy.

Wilbur looked at Tommy running after Tubbo, Niki and Fundy. 

Really, he couldn't be more proud of the boy.

He remembered when he met the boy for the first time, so much changed since then.


Tommy woke up to his parents fighting again, fighting about him.

He was used to it at this point. He walked to the kitchen without making any sound, the last time his parents heard him while fighting it hadn't end well.

They were out of food again, his parents spend most of their money on alcohol.

"Mom.. Dad?" He said, almost whispering.

"What?" His dad answered.

"We're out of food again."

"Already? We're out of money. If you want to keep eating so much maybe you should work for your own food."

"I- I can't," Tommy stuttered.

"Honey-" His mom started when his dad walked up to him.

"No! He's so ungrateful! He got everything that anyone would ever need and still compains!"

"I'm s-sorry, dad."

"No! You should start working or get out of my house."

"Honey, he's only 10." his mom said.

"Yeah! That's old enough, he's been living here doing nothing for 10 years!"

They continued to fight for a while, Tommy was kicked out in the end.

Wilbur saw it all happen and was disgusted by them, these were the worst type of humans.

He decided to put the parents on the list of his next- eh - experiment and follow the boy around.


It had been almost 5 days of following the boy around and he really had to do something.

So when the boy fell asleep in a park again he made himself look like a normal human and talked with him when he woke up.

"I can give you a place to stay.." Wilbur said after making the boy trust him, "I don't need anything, but I've been lonely."

And the boy, in his sleepy- almost starving state accepted, which wasn't smart to just go home with a random guy you just met.

But to be honest his life couldn't get much worse.


After a few months together with the boy Wilbur decided he really did like Tommy.

Tommy was different than any human he ever met and it was honestly great spending time with him.

They had been becoming closer and Wilbur thought that maybe he should tell Tommy who he really is.

So he sat him down one day and just said, "You know about that god?" When Tommy nodded he continued, "That's me," He simply said and Tommy nodded again, "I know. I figured that out like 2 weeks ago."

Wilbur let out a suprised laugh, "That's good."


Very short about how they met just to clear some shit up why Wilbur could just 'adopt' him suddenly.

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