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So the L'manberg vs Dream Smp war wasn't the best idea, Wilbur didn't even like wearing armor.

And he didn't want Tommy to get hurt.

It was a stupid fight really, they had the highgrounds at the beginning, but Dream had more people and better armor.

Their last chance was Eret's final control room.

Well, that was a fucking mistakes.

Humans, they always betray everyone for small things like money or power.

That's what Eret did, and what caused L'manberg to lose.

"Fuck, do we have anything? Anything we can use at all." Wilbur was pacing in the hto dog van.

"I'm wearing a fucking crayon suit what are you expecting from me." Fundy answered.

Wilbur sighed "Okay fine, I'll talk to Dream. Tommy, come with me, stay calm."

Tommy nodded and they went out together.

"Is there anything we can do Dre-"

"Dream, you fucking son of a bitch, you me stand off if you win you have power over L'manberg. If I win we gain our independance." Tommy shouted and Dream agreed, because it was obvious to everyone he was gonna win.


"Tommy, why? I don't want you to get hurt." Wilbur said while hugging Tommy.

"I'll be okay, Wilby." Tommy whispered, kinda regretting his choise now.

They were standing on a wooden bridge above water, Dream was talking to Punz on the otherside of the bridge.

"Okay, both sides ready?" Came Sapnaps voice suddenly, when both Tommy and Dream nod he started counting down.

"3.... 2.... 1.... Go!"

They started shooting arrows at each other, both dodging the other persons arrows carefully.

At one point when Tommy tried to dodge one of Dream's arrows he fell in to the water.

Dream hit him in the chest and he died.

Wilbur wasn't stupid, he knew about the three lives system, he made it.

But Tommy was so young and already lost his first life.

So when Tommy slowly woke up again, he ignored Dream's cheering and helped him.

"You okay, Toms?"

"It hurts, Wilby."

"You're gonna be okay, Tommy."

The moment the rest of the people of L'manberg arrived, Tommy and Wilbur got into character immediatly.

"How could you be so stupid Tommy!"

"I'm sorry, please Wilbur just let me talk to Dream."

"Fine, whatever." Wilbur said and walked away.

Tommy went searching for Dream.

"Hello, Tommy." Dream said when Tommy finally found him.

"Dream is there anything we can do for our independance. Anything at all?"

"No Tommy you lost."

"I can give you both of the discs for our independance." Tommy decided right there and then and Dream looked shocked.

"Okay... But I'll still see L'manberg as part of the smp."

"But you don't have any power over us." Tommy said and they agreed about that.

Tommy gave Dream the discs and then went to Wilbur.

Wilbur was honestly shocked about Tommy being able to give them independance, but decided to ignore that shock and write the decree of independance instead, when Dream was with them he would have to sign it.

Witnessed by Dream, GeorgeSomething, Sapnap and Punz

(Also Eret fuck Eret.)

As we gaze upon the swaths of redwood trees, the great hills to our south and the walls that have protected for years.
I, as the now president of L'manberg hereby state:



Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Freedom.

He got the signed book and hung it up on the walls of the van, this was his country now.

He would absolutely ruin it for everyone.


When Tommy and Wilbur finally came home at night, Wilbur turned to Tommy and the first thing he said was "You okay?"

Tommy shrugged, "I guess."

"You know it was good what you did today, making people trust you a bit more."

"Yeah, well I think it was stupid."

Wilbur sat down on the couch and Tommy sat down next to him.

"You know some people on this server aren't that bad, temporary friends i call them." Tommy said and Wilbur looked at him.

"Just don't get your feelings hurt."

And Wilbur knew that even if someone hurt Tommy even though it was Tommy's fault, he would never blame Tommy.

You could call the god a TommyInnit apologist.

"I'll try not to." Tommy sighed while he laid his head on Wilbur's shoulder.

They were silent for a while after that and then Wilbur realised Tommy fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Toms." He whispered.



Don't anger the God. [DREAM SMP]Where stories live. Discover now