Chaos pt.8: Disembowlment and trees

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This one isn't gonna be pretty, might be a little gorey, not descriptive though.

Also everything in this chapter is like actually possible in real life and people used to do this, it's lowkey crazy.

It might've been a little different, but still thats weird

anyways enjoy!


Of everyone in the server two people helped Dream almost constantly, Punz and Sam. Now at first Wilbur didn't know what to do with them, he wanted them to suffer.

Then he remembered a special case of disembowlment he saw in history once or twice. This was when he was really starting to lose faith in humanity, though. It took a certain surgical knowledge to be able to cut someones stomach open without them dying quickly, but this was a whole new level.

He had seen people cutting others open and tying their intestines to a tree, then make them run around the tree until they dropped dead.

wasn't that a perfect fucking way for Wilbur to kill them?

Wilbur sure as hell thought so.

So now he was standing over the two unconscious boys, not sure whether he should teleport them first or just start cutting now.

He decided that the first option might be the smarter one, not wanting to fuck up their organs during teleportation.

Human bodies generally didn't deal well with teleportation and honestly Wilbur had never seen anyone get teleported after being disemboweled.

He might experiment with that later for now he had some boys to torture.

Teleporting them to an open field he had choosen earlier- it had been very important that he found a pretty empty field with one low tree to give them enough space to run, even after tying their intestines to branches of the tree. It had been challenging to find the perfect spot, he didn't want to fuck with nature too much, that generally didn't end well, but eventually he found a spot that would do just fine.- he dropped the bodies to the ground, turning them so they layed on their back.

He cut the bottom of their stomach open, pretty quickly finding their small intestines. He managed to keep them pretty clean, avoiding the important veins. Honestly, he was impressed with his work, he thought he would have to use his powers a bit more.

He could pretty much look into them from the cut and see their organs, it was pretty cool how humans looked, he saw a lot of it in his millions of years on earth, but this first hand experience was different.

He understood the interest scientists had now. The human body was really well- weird. He would ask his mother about it sometime.

Now he had to actually get the intestine out without damaging it too much took a lot more of his powers, it was honestly hard. To start the torture he had just woke Punz and Sam, who both pretty much reacted the same; looking at their stomach, screaming and then begging for mercy.

Wilbur was too concentrated to answer them, though, he wouldn't fuck this up.

"Stand up, you lazy dogs." Wilbur said and Punz and Sam both followed his order, though they seemed to struggle a lot.

Wilbur just signed for them to follow them, holding their now-magically-stronger intestines as some sort of leash.

he tied the intestines around a branch, using his power to make it unable to let go.

Both Sam and Punz looked like they were, well in a lot of pain and really fucking confused. Wilbur laughed, "This is when you start running till you drop dead."

They both listened not trusting Wilbur to not hurt them worse if they didn't.

And to be honest, that was probably the smart option.

They started running and running.

Their intestine slowly wrapping around the tree and them moving closer and closer to the tree.

Sam was the first one to drop, his organs splashing out of his body in a puddle of blood. Punz froze for a minute, but one look at Wilbur and he went back to running.

He followed quickly after.

Wilbur left the bodies there, nature would clean itself and if humans found them first, well traumatizing people was funny, so whatever.

He went back home and told Schlatt what he had done, Schlatt asking why he didn't invite him. Tommy, who was listening, looked kinda disgusted, Wilbur just blamed his last bit of humanity that would fade as soon as mother turned him into a real half-god.

"So I left the bodies there, didn't bother cleaning up." Wilbur ended his story with a shrug, making Schlatt laugh, "You're a genius, traumatizing people without trying."

"It's not that hard when your Wilbur," Tommy quipped and Schlatt nodded in agreement, Wilbur groaned, "This is god discrimination, I won't have it."

"What are you gonna do? Cry for mommy?" Schlatt asked and Wilbur hit his shoulder, "I might."

"Oh hell no, your mom is scary dude." Schlatt said and Tommy laughed, "She's not that bad."

"I fear her, she like picks where I go when i die." Schlatt shuddered and Wilbur laughed, "Don't worry, she likes you. Might even let you live a longer life than others."

"Please no! I'm so done with living." Schlatt groaned and Tommy laughed, "Now she's gonna reincarnate you in spite." 

"She would do that wouldn't she?" Schlatt asked and Wilbur nodded, "Yeah, probably."

"I've been doomed."

"It's your own fault," Tommy said and Wilbur pointed at him, showing his agreement."

Like that the three talked about absolute bullshit for a while, Wilbur totally forgetting he had to plan 3 more killings.

Well, he would think later, the time with Tommy and Schlatt- who some how really fitted fucking perfect in their doomed family and Wilbur slowly started actually liking more than others.- had been worth it.

And when he did go back to the last three killings, last six deaths, he would make sure they were some of the most painful deaths yet.

Especially the last one, who he so hoped Tommy would do with him.


Tommy deserved the closure.


Little shorter, but only like 50 words lmao.

okay bye!

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