Ace x Self harm! Reader. Never alone.

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-authors note- Alright, clearly stated by the title, this fanfic contains depictions of self harm. And I just want to say, in no way shape or form, am I trying to romanticize self harm or depression. I know how serious it is, (having known people with this issue). I want to say now, I will probably make ones like this frequently. Mainly so those who love our one piece boys as much as I do, get a chance to truly relate to the story. (Basically, I'm saying that those reading with self harm get a chance to connect better with their fave character.) Any-who. I hope you like this one. Feel free to msg me if you wanna talk, I'm here for you all .

The clear water pooled red around her feet. She winced as the liquid met with the deep cuts on her arm, those cuts being the cause of the clear water turning red.

She sniffled,switched off the cleansing rays of water and walked out the shower.

After she had dried off, she changed into a pair of tight fitting jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Flinching as the soft fabric snagged on her open wounds, she cleaned the recently used blade and shuffled her way to the kitchen. Quickly placing the long blade back before it was missed.

"Until next time..." She whispered to the familiar weapon, and proceeded to leave the kitchen.

As she opened the door, she met with a familiar figure,leaning directly opposite the door and against the wall.

"Oh, Ace !" She beamed, faking a smile. The fire-fist eyed her suspiciously before muttering a reply.

"Are you alright?" The young girl, now concerned, questioned moving closer.

He nodded. "Are you?" She hesitated for a brief moment, before nodding and once again, forged a smile. He mumbled something incoherent, before falling into step with the girl who had began walking away.

She knew something was wrong with her close friend, he was never usually so quiet... She was about to call him on her worries, when he grabbed her arm and tugged her into his cabin. Which they had conveniently been passing.

He pushed her forward,slammed the door and locked it. Leaning against it to ensure she wouldn't escape before she answered his questions.

"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" He persisted. The girl, now beginning to panic slightly, raised an eyebrow. "Wh-what are you talking about Ace?"

"I'm not stupid. The others may not notice, but I do. When you sneak back and forth between your cabin and the kitchen. The butchers knife that would go missing during this time. What are you doing, _____?"

Her breathing became quicker, and she began to tremble slightly. "I have n-no idea what y-you're talking about, Ace..." He frowned, before his expression turned dark. "Forgive me for this..." He mumbled, before stalking forward and roughly grabbing her arm.

She whimpered, making Ace's suspicions become confirmed. He gently released her,before beginning to slide her sleeve up. She tried to pull away, but he gripped her other arm.

"Ace, let go ! Let go ! Please !" He ignored her cries and tugged the sleeve upward, revealing a horrifying sight to the raven-haired man.

Cuts. Deep cuts ran landscape across her arm. From the top of her wrist, to the bend in her elbow. Ashamed and crying, she looked away.

"Why...." He whispered. She simply sobbed in response. "Why?" He persisted, his voice reaching it's normal tone. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Why, _____?!"

"Because!" She screamed back. "Because I'm alone ! People constantly whisper and laugh at me ! They make fun of me and call me pathetic ! And I am ! They whisper all the time, and I can hear them even when I'm alone at night ! That's when they are loudest !" She panted. Heaving for breath, before she continued.

"When I do this, they stop whispering ! They leave me alone !" She sobbed, allowing the man she was with to pull her into a warm embrace.

Her head buried itself in his chest, her tears dampening his soft, warm flesh. She froze with guilt,when she felt his chest shake lightly as he cried quietly.

"Ace..." She murmured. "The voices aren't just any.... they're people's I know... yours, Marco's, Thatch's, Everyones ! They all tease me !"

His and her cries became harder. "_____. I promise.... they aren't really us..... we would never.... say horrible things about you." The freckled man breathed, in between sobs.

He grabbed her shoulders and pulled away, to look her in the eyes. The sight of the other, tore them both apart. Both of them had puffy, red cheeks. Stained from tears. Bloodshot eyes only churned out more of the salty liquid, bodies trembling as they cried.

"Please, stop this ! We can help ! I can help ! Those whispers you hear, they can't hurt you ! They aren't us ! We love you too much to say those things....I love you too much...." His hands slid from her shoulders, jolting with the gentle sobs she still produced.

He hung his head. "I'm so sorry.... I should've have helped earlier... I suspected this, and did nothing !"

Her eyes widened, and she wasted no time pulling his head under her chin. One small hand, rested on his back, the other traced soft patterns in his hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged tightly, scared she would hurt herself again should he let go.

"Help me..." She whimpered. "Help me, Ace... I don't want to do this any longer..." Tears continued to drip off her face, soaking his hair.

"I will. And _____, you're never alone... so please, don't hide away any more..." He whispered.

"you're never alone..."

-AN- (authors note)
Sorry its so short, but I just want to say again. You're never alone. Please, feel free to msg me! I know that entrusting a stranger with such a topic is difficult. But you always have someone else there,too.

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