Reader x Luffy. Queen.

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Oh.My.God. I feel so stoopid. (Purpose misspelling to emphasize point^) I was up last night thinking about who I could write about for ages. I was thinking about it all through school, then I realized... I have done one for rubber-boy wonder! I feel so ashamed... don't look at me. *hides head in hands while blushing profusely*

______ sat, reading by candlelight in her cabin, unable to sleep. The reason why was unknown to her, she was exhausted, and nothing was happening that she would feel compelled to be awake. So why was she? Deciding not to dwell on it, in hopes of her mind just giving up and locking down, she read.

It was a peaceful night, completely silent on the thousand sunny. A rare occurrence only found when everyone was asleep, or not on board.

But this occurrence was shattered when ______ heard a blood curdling screech. Her body went into overdrive as she knew the voice hidden behind that scream. It was her captains, Monkey D. Luffy. Doing what any other loyal crew mate would, she leaped up from her chair and grabbed her fabled semi automatic pistol.

The weapon of choice was named 'snake bite'. The reason being was the guns owner, had lightning fast reflexes, and could put a bullet in anyone's head before they realised she was the infamous female pirate of straw hat crew, worth 180,000,000 beli. Not to mention the fact that each and every bullet inside the weapon was coated in a deadly toxin, that had the potency to bring down an enemy the size of Bartholomew Kuma.

She ran down the hallway that lead to the boy of interests chambers, baggy pyjama bottoms fluttering at her ankles as she ran. With an echoing 'bang', she kicked open his door, laid her index finger upon the trigger, and pointed it into the dark room. Ready to shoot the first presence that did not belong to her captain.

When no other movement was made, she found the boy, bolt up right in his bed and drenched in sweat. Tears streamed down his face as he panted heavily. _____ (now weirdly more worried than before) placed her gun on the desk situated beside his door and moved to sit beside him.

"Luffy, what's wrong?" She asked softly. This was an unnerving sight for her. She has never anything less then a smile on his face. His mouth moved in order to answer her question, but instead, he simply sobbed. The girl was taken aback when he suddenly through his arms around her shoulders,buried his head in her neck, and cried.

Though only shocked into immobility for a moment, she sighed and wound her arms around him tightly, a silent gesture to ensure him he was ok, that whatever happened in this room, was over now.

They remained like this for quite sometime, before he sniffled and pulled away. Gaze refusing to meet hers. She placed a small hand on his knee to remind him she was here and curious as to why he was so shaken. He looked up, eyes still welled up with tears, before uttering a simple sentence that widened her eyes, and broke her heart.

"I dreamed that...that I watched Ace die again..." She shifted so she was sat beside him, and wrapped one arm around his back, the other over this chest, and linked her hands over his right bicep.

He sniffled once again. "But this time... you died to..." her bottom lip shook slightly with his words, that must have been horrible. Not only to have to watch his childhood friend and brother die all over again, but to also watch one of the many people he vowed to protect die as well.

"Luffy..." She murmured in a small voice. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" He hesitated, before nodding. "Can you stay with me tonight? .... Ace and Sabo used to when I had nightmares when I was little...but..." a lump in his throat choked off his sentence.

______ was the only one in this crew who knew about the brother, Sabo, he lost as a child. And, unlike Luffy, he described in great detail the day he and his brother Ace were informed he was gunned down by a celestial Dragon.

She could only imagine the pain that Luffy went through when he lost Ace as well. _____ didn't really have a goal up until then. But when she got the news her beloved captain had been put into a coma after being severely wounded, and watching his own brother get murdered right before his very eyes.... She vowed that day to not let any of those bastard admirals continue living. Even if she had to give up her life to see them fall, she would.

"Ok Luffy, I'll stay." She reassured him, giving him a warm smile. He managed to smile back weakly, before laying back down under his covers. She crawled under as well, and instantly felt his strong, warm embrace surround her.

Weirdly, she fell asleep almost immediately. Clearly, this was why she couldn't sleep before. But she felt that wether she was tired or not, she could easily sleep a million years in his embrace. A place where she felt that not even the venom on the bullets in her gun could effect her. And he felt the same.

He felt that even the most horrid of nightmares couldn't scare him if she stayed with him like this. He truly felt content and safe. There was no doubt in his mind, he would protect her with all his heart and soul...

And when he reached his goal, he would make her queen.

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