Ace x Reader. Cold.

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For hours now, I had been trying to sleep. And for hours, I had failed. I was a trembling, chattering mess. My teeth knocked together, goose bumps raised on my arms, and my entire body shook with shivers.

I laid there, just thinking of ways to raise my body temperature. When suddenly, thoughts of a certain fire-fist entered my brain.

The thought of possibly joining the living inferno rushed through my brain, and a few minutes later saw the idea lean more to the 'no' side.

That is, until a sudden chill jolts up my spine. Making me even more cold then I originally was.

I leap up, quickly wrapping myself up in my fluffy dressing gown. I quickly shuffled toward the second division commanders cabin.

I knocked gently on his door. "A-ace?" I ask softly. A groan sounds through the door, followed by snoring. I frown and open his door quietly. "Ace?"

He groans again, except this time he sits up. "Huh?" He yawns. A slight pink hue settles on my face. While seeing Ace shirtless is normal, seeing him like this is kind of different.

His covers have fallen into his lap, showing off his toned chest and abbs. His hair is an adorable, dishevled mess around his face. His freckles are wrinkled up with his cheeks as he squints at me.

"Umm... I w-was..." I glance at him, my eyes previously being directed at the floor, to see one eyebrow raised. A concerned expression on his face.

"N-never mind." I mumble,looking away. "Hey. Come on, I won't eat you. What's wrong?" I look back at him, and I can practically feel the heat radiate from his warm smile.

"It's really c-cold in m-my room, and I-I was just w-wondering if I c-could...maybe... s-sleep with y-you?" My blush darkens at how wrong my question sounds.

"I mean, g-genuinely s-sleep ! N-nothing else..." I hear his amused chuckle, and watch as he moves from the centre of the bed, to the left. "Come on. Hop in."

I smile, before disposing of my gown on a chair. Leaving me in baggy pj bottoms and a white tank top. I quickly dive under the covers of Ace's bed.

I hear him chuckle again as he reaches out to pull me closer. As his hand touches my skin, he flinches. "I didn't know you were so cold..." He mumbles, pulling me against his chest.

His warmth seeps into me, and I snuggle closer, smiling and sighing happily. "Thanks Ace." I murmur, sleep finally beginning to dawn on me.

His rests his chin on my head. "No problem, love."

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