Reader x Child! Law. All I have.

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Oka, Oka. I know. Strike me down for two fanfics of the same person in a row. But I got this idea, and fell in love with it! Yes, the title is kinda creepy, but it contains No....weird stuff.

Turning on the shower, you drew the shower curtain and closed your bathrooms door. Sighing to yourself, you grabbed a bottle of coconut scented shampoo and conditioner, body wash, and a razor blade (to shave).

Setting them down on the rim of the tub, you reached for the waistband of your blood-stained skinny jeans. You quickly tugged them down. Having no interest in remaining in clothes coated in a strangers blood.

Just as you were about to un-button your blouse, (that used to be white, however is now a ghastly shade of red) you hear a knock on your bathroom door. Frowning, you open the door, only to reveal little Law.

You grin.

"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"

You chirp happily. Law simply blushes and looks away.

"I didn't realize you were about to shower. My apologies."

You chuckle and crouch down in front of him. Quickly gripping his hat, you take it off and tousel his hair.

"Ah, no problem kid! So, what is it you're after? You never visit me without reason."

You state, plopping his odd, speckled hat back on his unruly onyx hair.

He clears his throat and nods, walking into the bathroom as you close the door.

"I wanted to ask, why do you- HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

He screams, throwing the bottle of shampoo at you as your blouse slips to the floor.

"Getting undressed. What are you doing?"

You retort, dodging the shampoo bottle and grabbing before it hits the floor. You set it back down.


He roars, blush darkening by thousands as he turns his back to you and covers his eyes.

Sighing, you pat his hatted head.

"A very smart kid, Law. You want to be a doctor, right? Then you will have to be able to handle this. Of course, I'm not saying you have to watch me. Stand with your back to me if you wish, but there is no need to be embarrassed."

You coo, watching as his tense form relaxes a bit. However, he still refuses to turn around. Chuckling, you pat his head again, before continuing to change, then climbing into the shower. Making sure the curtain is fully drawn, so Law cannot see your naked form.

You hear the toilet lid creak as he sits down on top of it.

There is a few minutes silence between you and the younger boy, until you speak over the patter of water.

"So, Law. What was it you wanted again?"

You call out, squirting some body wash onto your body scrub.

"Oh, right. I wanted to ask, why do you stay here at with Doflamingo?"

You freeze. Swallowing hard, you don't answer. Law seems to realize your hesitance, and clears his throat.

"I mean, Cora-san...he stayed because he had to keep and eye on Doffy. Well...before...Anyway, I never caught why you stay. You don't seem to admire him in a way the others do, in fact, I'd go as far as to say you avoid him..."

Damn, this kid is too smart for his own good.

Sighing, you continue to not answer. Simply continuing your task of washing away the days sins.

"....He won't let you leave... Will he, (y/n)?"

Law asks softly.

A lump lodges in your throat. Tears threating to spill and mingle with the water running down your face and body.

"Just nod or shake your head. I can see your shadow through the curtain."

He mumbles. Hesitating, you slowly shake your head.

"I thought not..."

Law mutters. Sighing a bit, before remaining silent.

Minutes passed with nothing but the sound of running water echoing in the room.

"Pass me the towel please, Law."

You mumble, sticking your hand through the curtain. You hear him mutter a quick, 'ok'. When suddenly, you feel a small hand grip your left wrist. Wincing at the stinging pain, your eyes widen as you realize you've be caught.

"(Y/n).... These need to be treated."

The kid whispers. You rapidly shake your head. Water droplets being cast around.

"Doffy will be angry if he finds out..."

"Then I'll do it."

He states quickly, passing you a towel.


You sigh as you watch the younger male tend to your wounds. At times, you forgot how young he really was...


Law states. Snapping you from your thought and tying the bandage. He looks up at you, his young, Gray eyes staring back into yours.

"I'm not about to tell you how to live your life, but... Please don't do this any more."

He whispers. Looking down and shielding his face with his hat. Your eyes widen as you hear a sniffle.

"Since Cora-san was're all I have...I don't want you going to..."

A few tears hit the worn, wooden floor boards before him. This instantly triggers your own tears, and you reach forward. Tugging the boy to your head for a hug.

He reciprocates, and you both stay there for a few moments. Collecting yourselves as best you can.

You really did adore this child. You knew how much he meant to Cora...your ex-lover before that bastard Doflamingo took him away. This kid was like your son. And, as he had said to you, he was all you had left.

Sniffling, you push Law away by his shoulders and gaze into his watery, steel eyes. You give him a weak smile.

"C'mon now. That's enough of that. No more tears."

He nods and sniffs, wiping his eyes with his sleave. Only then, you realize you've never seen him in any other clothes.

" you have any more clothes?"

He shakes his head. You frown, thinking about what you can do. Before grinning and getting up. Setting the boy to the side.

"I will wash those for you. In the mean time, you can wear one of my t-shirts to sleep in. I'm a tomboy, so they're not that bad for you."

You state, pulling out a plain black, soft t-shirt and showing it to him.

"Don't worry, no one will see you. Just spend the night here."

He blushes a bit, but nods. Mutters a 'thanks', before scampering off to the bathroom to change.

You smile softly, and place his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. You'd wash them tomorrow.

You quickly change from your towel, into your pyjamas. Slipping under the covers as Law walks in. Fiddling with the hem of the shirt that looks like a dress on him. You hold back a chuckle, before holding open the covers for the young boy.

He climbs in, and turns so his back is to you. Rolling your eyes, you loop an arm around his waist, and tug him back into your stomach. He grumbles slightly, knowing it's pointless to struggle against your iron grip.

Within minutes, the raven haired kid is fast asleep. His fluffy hat falling off his head. Smiling softly, you pull the hat gently off his head, and place it on the bed post. In clear sight so he doesn't panic when he wakes up.

You then press a gentle kiss to the back of his head, and hold him closer.

"Good night, Law."

You whisper, before drifting off yourself.

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