Marco x Reader. Yes commander.

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A drug. That's all he could describe her as. It was as if someone had injected his head with thoughts of her.

He hated it. But then, he didn't. He loved thinking of her, her flowing (h/c) hair, glowing eyes, warm smile. But it was something of a problem when he ended up not finishing work, or even being distracted in a fight.

The more he thought about it, the more he decided... the only way to get you out of his head, was to put you in his arms instead. So,now, he was searching the ship for you. High and low.

It wasn't an easy task. You enjoyed being with the crew, however, you enjoyed alone time better. Being the kind if girl who only communicates with  people if you have to.

Marco had checked all of your usual hiding places: The crows nest, the bow (In case you don't know, the bow is the front of the ship. So for the Moby dick, it's where the whale head is ;). ) Even the storage room! In the end, he decided to go for the obvious. Your room.

Because you were the only girl aboard, you had your own room. Something you appreciated. You loved the guys, but bunking with them was something you didn't like the thought of. For obvious reasons.

Eventually, Marco arrived at your door and knocked gently.

"(Y/n)? You in there?"

He smiled as he heard your soft voice through the door, and opened it gently. His eyes laid upon your figure, laying on the bed, reading. However, you weren't rude, so you cast your eyes up to him and smiled.

"Sup, bud?"

You asked casually, before mentally face-palming. Too casual! You moron! Yes, it was true. Both of you liked each other, but you both didn't even know it. But Marco was going to take care of that.

Without being able to contain himself, he marched over, grabbed your book, and tossed it aside. Before you could utter a complaint, you were suddenly caged in.

By his arms.

And his legs.

Marco, had quickly straddled you and pinned you down, quite flawlessly. Either hand pinned beside your head, you were left defenceless and gawking up at the smirking man. Shudders shot every-which-way, up and down your spine as you dared to look into his eyes.

They looked like the eyes of a feral beast about to consume it's target. You felt your hearts speed rapidly increase, the blood thundering in your ears, making them ring. He noticed how transfixed you seemed, and smirked wider.

"You've been stalking my mind for too long....(Y/n)."

Oh God, the way he drawled your name with that low and dominant voice... it was heaven.

"I've decided that this is the only way to get you out."

And without any further hesitation, his lips were on yours. You reciprocated immediately, pressing deeper into him, fingers curling under the restraints of his hands. Gradually, the kiss became hotter. His lips hungrier. Both of you lost in a burning passion that left you both intoxicated.

His lips parted from your own with a gasp. Air heaving in and out of both pairs of lungs as you both recovered from something so intense.

He smirked again, before his face fell deadly serious.

"You're mine. And mine alone."

His face lowered towards yours again.

"Do you understand?"

Your breathing was laboured,all kinds of emotions shooting through you. You closed your eyes, focusing on regaining enough breath to answer. Slowly, your eyes opened. A small grin gracing your lips as you breathed out two words that drove the Phoenix mad.

"Yes commander."

Well's that? Good? Bad? I don't know. I think it's alright. I was kinda rushed, so sorry about that guys. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Marco: I enjoyed it.....

Author: *blinks and walks out*

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