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Sumimasen, guys. I was gone a while, I know. But for the sake of my own health, it was necessary. I'm really sorry, I'll try harder to get things out on time from now on.


Have you ever been somewhere so searingly hot that blisters formed on bare skin at the mere touch of an object, overly exposed to the sun? Well, currently, The Revolutionary army were docked at one of those islands.

Simply known as: 'The island of the sun.'

In winter, the island's core temperature reached a high of 36°c. In summer, 68°c.

Well, of course, The Revolutionaries had to stop during the very peak of Summer.

Visits to the local infirmary were at an all time high as people became sick, some even passed out, from heat-stroke. Dragon had quickly concluded that working was not possible under such conditions, and postponed the mission altogether.

If the mission was of great significance, maybe he wouldn't have, but since it was a simple, 'Find and Recruit', that could be saved for a cooler island.

And so, while Ivankov and Hak, as well as a few other choice rookies, had set off to get supplies, the large vessel that harboured the Government Rebels pulled into a secluded corner of the island. Far, far away from prying eyes, hidden by thousands of miles of woodland.

The majority of The Revolutionaries remained inside the ship, seeking refuge desperately from the heat. However, some of the bolder were outside. Lounging on the small beach that quickly moulded into the shoreline.

Koala had her left arm linked with (Name)'s right as the two strolled leisurely along the water line, both clad in Bikini's in hopes of evading some of the heat.


Koala began, a mischievous grin pulling at her lips.

"When are you gonna tell Blondie that you loooove him~?"

She sang, making a fire stoke just under the other girls cheeks that had nothing to do with the weather.


The (h/c) whined, making the brunette laugh, pausing in their walk as Koala untangle her limb from (Name)'s so she could hold her stomach as she cackled.

Huffing as she tried to block out her mocking friend, she allowed her (e/c) eyes to scan the length of the small beach. As the orbs scanned the face's of many others, they finally landed on a familiar blonde.

He was very... Very shirtless, a pair of exotic blue swim shorts on his legs. Sabo was prancing around after a monkey of which had taken his goggles hostage, and (Name) couldn't help giggling.

Sighing, she looked to her female companion who was recovering from her small fit.

"Could you... Gimmie a sec?"

The (h/c) inquired, smiling at her friend who nodded, before quickly bouncing off to do God knows what.

(Name) turned back to the male who was now sulking, arms folded as he glared at the monkey held up in a tall palm tree. Sighing with a smile, she slowly walked over, picking up a stray coconut along the way.

Sabo didn't look to need to know who it was when he felt a presence beside him, so he didn't.

"My goggles..."

He whined, and yet another laugh left the girl.

"If you can't outsmart a monkey..."

The girl trailed off, smashing the coconut off of a jagged rock, exposition the white flesh of the inside. She held up the coconut, reaching her other hand out to the side. A smirk claimed her lips.

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