Mihawk x Reader. The hawk.

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With a resounding 'bang', you and your lover stumbled into the shared bed-chambers, locked in an embrace that showed no signs of wavering.

Sharing an exploration of each-others body's with curious hands, tongues slid against one another hotly. Creating sweet friction that allowed a moan to crawl out into the mix courtesy of yourself.


A low growl was the only offered response,head dropping to allow his mouth access to your neck. Head lulling back, you clutched at his shirt

"Don't worry, my love. This is just the beginning."

Whining, you absently nodded your head, surrendering yourself to the intense emotions beginning to attack your body like a plague.

Whatever chain of events had led to this moment, you couldn't recall. But in this moment, you didn't care.

With a gentle pressure against your body, you were pushed into a lying position on the king-sized bed, the golden-eyed male hovering above you with a predatory gaze.

Soft lips were skimming your ear within a second, pearl white teeth nipping the cartilage tenderly.

"Tell me what you want, and you might just get it..."

Just like that, any sound that could hope to escape your throat,died. Nothing more than a submissive whimper emitting from you. Mihawk chuckled at the sound, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride in himself that he caused such a malfunction in your throat.

"Come on, (Name). I can't last all day..."

With a harsh snap of his hips, he hit them against your own. You cried out loudly, head thrown back. Few men could provoke such an action from you, even fewer with a simple hip-grind. The man above you, however, had ways... Devilish ways of pulling out your submissive side.

Searching deep within yourself, you managed to pull out a barely-coherent,


But that wasn't enough.

"Please what, (name)? Tell me what is exactly you want..."

With a defeated groan, you shot him a half-hearted glare. Once again, he responded with a chuckle. However, the sneaky man had only been distracting you. You hadn't even noticed the fact your shorts were now un-fastened and around your knees, along with your underwear.

That was, until a pressure was applied to your most intimate area.

Shock and pleasure shot through your body in an instant, and you nearly screamed with the sheer amount of ecstasy careening through you with just that single action.

Mihawk simply hummed in approval as one of your hands gripped the bicep of the arm currently working between your legs, the other on the opposing shoulder, squeezing harshly.

Of course, your vice-like grip on his shoulder was nothing to the world's best.

"My my, you're rather sensitive, aren't you?"

He teased, slipping a single digit inside of you. You could only cry out in utter bliss as a small quantity of your desire was fulfilled.

Slowly, he began pumping his hand; adding another digit after a while, and then, surprisingly, another. You felt stretched, it was an odd feeling, but by no means un-enjoyable.

Soon enough, you felt a knot lodge in your pelvis. It was pulling harder every second, bordering on painful, put that feeling was drowned out when pulled his soaked appendages out of you.

He hadn't allowed your release.

"N-no, Mihawk, please!"

You begged, hips raising in, what you hoped, was a provocative manor. Oh and provocative it was...

Your hips collided with his own, his hardened manhood being ground against your heat. His body collapsed lightly onto your own, head dropping to rest on your breasts. His hot breath tickled your sweaty chest, but at least your actions did their job.

"...I'd hoped to tease you longer..."

The raven began breathlessly, sitting up and tugging off his shirt. You watched, transfixed. Standing up entirely, he un-buckled his trousers, which were beyond constricting at this point, and dropped them. His boxers followed sweet, and within seconds, he was upon you again.

"Listen to me, (name). I want your voice to ring throughout the entire mansion. I want islands miles away, to know my name. To hear it coming from your lips, understand?"

Nodding, you managed a 'yes', which was met with a pleased grin. And not a second later, he was filling you to the brink.

This time, you really did scream.

The undeniable pleasure swept over your body like a tsunami, both hands clawing into his shoulder blades, making him growl. Red crescents formed on the skin your fingernails scraped at.

Taking a moment to fill his lungs with much-needed oxygen, Mihawk began a fast pace, hips never missing a beat as he pounded harshly.

His name left your lips on repeat, each call louder than the last, until eventually, you hit your high.

"O-Oh my- MIHAWK!!"

Flopping back against the bed in relief and exhaustion, you could vaguely make out the deep grunt the male issued as he came.

His body hit against yours briefly, before rolling off to the side as to avoid crushing you. Your eyes remained locked onto the ceiling, breathing rugged and uneven. However, once you had regained your breath, you were pulled on top of the male.

You briefly wondered if he was silently asking for another round, but that idea soon fled when he pressed you against him in a hug.

Smiling in content, you listened to his rapid heartbeat, eye lids slowly drooping. You coud feel the male gently kiss your hair, hand traveling down to rest on your back. Moments later, you were asleep.

Short and sweet! But never fear, I have a modern AU Ace x Reader shower sex coming your way when it's done! Think of it as an apology for such a long hiatus!

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