Corazon x Reader. Always.

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Corazon sighed. For hours now they had been listening to little Law rant on and on about...whatever.

Today was supposed to be the day he spent time with his girlfriend, (y/n). But Law had insisted on blubbering on to Corazon about something.

Not that you minded. You adored Law, he was such a sweet kid. Even after all that's happened to him. So, while you closely paid attention, Corazon retreated to a world of imagination.

"Cora-san! Are you listening?!"

Law yelled, crossing his arms. The fact that he replied with a bored 'hmm?', clearly proved that he wasn't. Law huffed and turned his attention to you.

"You were listening, right (y/n)?"

"Of course Law! Unlike some people, I'm nice!"

You smile, patting his head, which results in him blushing and huffing about you treating him like a child...which his is.


Corazon whined in your ear.

"Can we please go do something that doesn't include the kid?"

He pleads, and you turn to him. A frown on your face. However, you sigh and kiss his nose.

"Cora, you know we're all he has. Let the poor lad rant it out."

You say softly, when you suddenly hear a loud thud. Both your heads whip to see Law, face first on the ground.


You both cry out, running over to him. Corazon picks him up, and you feel your heart ache at the terrified expression on his face. As you both look at Laws face, you notice...he's asleep. You smile softly and brush a few hairs out of his face.

"Damn kid. You had me worried."

Corazon barks at Laws sleeping form. You shush him quickly, and pull off your hoodie. Draping it over the boy and setting his head in your lap.

" Its probably the first time he's slept in days,Cora. Leave him be."

He nods and sighs, moving to sit against the few crates that your back was against. You lean your head on his shoulder and smile.

"I love you, Cora."

You whisper suddenly, causing him to chuckle.

"What was that for?"

"I'm tired, and I wanna sleep....I don't know why, but I'm always scared you won't be there when I open my eyes... so if you aren't, I'll let you know now. I love you."

His heart flutters, and he places an arm around your shoulders. Gently brushing his lips over your forehead, he smiles.

"Damn brat. I'll always be here when you wake up."

He whispers, even though it falls upon deaf ears. You were now sleeping happily against his shoulder. His smile grew, and he leaned down to whisper a single word in your ear, in hopes you'd somehow register it. And know that he'd never leave you.


Okay, this was a request! So I hope you enjoyed it! You know who you are ;). Lucky you guys, I should be releasing another one today. Just cuz I'm nice. Heads up for all you birdy lovers, it'll be a Neko! Reader x Marco! Some of you can probably see where this is going.... (cat and bird? Get it?) Anyway, thanks for reading guys. And seriously?! 2.57k? That's awesome, thank you so much! Love you guys!

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